Four people charged with attempted murder after an explosion in Drøbak – Stor-Oslo

They are charged with attempted murder or complicity in this, the East police write in a press release. The police have been investigating the case since the night of 24 October, when a bomb was detonated outside a residential building in Drøbak. The investigation has been and is complicated, according to the police: – Partly because we believe we are dealing with criminals who use large resources to hide their criminal activities, but also because in our opinion we are dealing with cross-border crime, they write. Part of the investigation has recently taken place in Sweden. Three Swedes and a Norwegian Three of the arrested are Swedish, while one is Norwegian. The Norwegian man was arrested in Norway on 30 January. On the same day, a Swedish woman was arrested in Sweden. Two days later, on 1 February, a Swedish man was arrested. A Swedish man who is in custody for another case was also formally charged. The Norwegian was remanded in custody for two weeks on Wednesday. On Friday, he was released by the Court of Appeal. – He has been released by the Court of Appeal today. They believed that there was no reasonable cause for suspicion, says prosecutor Grete Bollestad in the East police district to news. The prosecuting officer at the East police district, Grete Bollestad, says they have good cooperation with the Swedish police. Photo: Mariam Eltervåg Cissé / news Charged in Sweden The Norwegian has previously been unpunished, but the police will not answer questions about whether he is connected to a criminal environment. All three Swedes are in custody, but have requested extradition to Norway. – A process is underway to get them extradited to Norway, says Bollestad. She does not go into how long this will take. Two of the Swedish defendants have also been charged in another case, which took place in the Stockholm area this week. The police will in future work to find out what has happened in full, and to clarify what roles the four accused have. news has been in contact with the defense attorney for one of the accused. He does not wish to comment on the matter now. A surveillance camera captured the sound of the explosion in Drøbak on the night of Tuesday
