Four men sentenced in the Court of Appeal after the murder of Bård Lanes – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

All four were sentenced to long prison terms last year in the Vestfold District Court, but all appealed the case to the Court of Appeal. There, a 28-year-old man, who shot and killed Lanes, has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. The 28-year-old was sentenced to detention in the district court, but the Court of Appeal has decided that he will not be released, according to the judgement. – We are very happy about that. I believe that the self-awareness that my client has shown between the cases in the District Court and the Court of Appeal has been decisive. He has received good feedback from professionals and staff in the prison where he is in prison, says the 28-year-old’s defender Javeed Shah to news. Lawyer Javeed Shah defends the man who admitted that he shot Bård Lanes. Photo: Tom Erik Haugland / news He who the police believe planned the murder and hired the shooter, a 32-year-old man from Tønsberg, has now been sentenced to 17 years in prison. Two men aged 34 and 24 have been sentenced to 16 and 12 years for being involved in planning the murder. The 24-year-old has also been sentenced to one year in prison for a shooting incident in Oslo. The police used secret agents to connect the 24-year-old to the murder. He thought he was talking to foreign criminals and told what turned out to be police agents about the murder. The method has received a lot of criticism and the Court of Appeal believes it would be unjustifiable to emphasize this as evidence because it would be contrary to the right to a fair trial. – I am satisfied that the court agrees with the objections we had to the undercover evidence. But I am disappointed that the other evidence was not enough to acquit him, says his defender, Øystein Storrvik, to news. All, apart from the 34-year-old, received at least one year less punishment than they received in Vestfold district court. In a video released by the police, Bård Lanes can be seen leaving the tanning studio just before he was killed. Soon after, two people are seen running past. Year-long conflict Bård Lanes was killed in the open street in April 2021, in a shopping area at Kilen in Tønsberg. He had had a bad relationship with the 32-year-old man for years. The two had reported each other several times for, among other things, threats, without it leading to anything more. The police believe the murder was planned with the aim of ending the year-long conflict. Lanes had a reputation as a police informant and had several enemies. In court, it emerged, among other things, that a police officer had asked Lanes for information that could send the 32-year-old to prison. Photo: Privat Hired killer The prosecution believes the 32-year-old ordered the murder from the 28-year-old, a man who has previously been convicted of desecration of a corpse after a murder in Western Norway in 2014. The two did not know each other before, but became friends at the start of 2021. Among other things, the 28-year-old was invited to Nøtterøy where the 32-year-old owned a house. The other two co-accused already lived there. The prosecution believes that the four defendants had different roles in the planning, organization and execution of the murder. The 28-year-old who shot Lanes pleaded guilty to murder in the Court of Appeal. Before the latest trial, he claimed that he was going to destroy Lanes’ knees with a bat, but in the Court of Appeal he said that he was going to shoot the 33-year-old. Did he track before the murder Prior to the murder, the defendants had bought a tracking device which was fixed under Bård Lanes’ car. In that way, they could monitor where the car was via an app. When the murder happened, the 32-year-old and the 24-year-old were in Oslo. That way they had an alibi for the time of the murder. However, both were charged in connection with the murder. The murder weapon has never been found. Bring back all the good memories with Bård Vigdis Hegg was Bård Lanes’ teacher and they were together a lot in his youth. They also kept in touch into adulthood. She told news on Tuesday that she is happy that in Norway we have a criminal case chain that works, and she believes that the professional actors have delivered. Vigdis Hegg knew Bård Lanes well. Photo: John-Andre Samuelsen / news Hegg is happy that the trial is now over. It has been painful to go into the end of his life, which was much more dramatic than she had been able to imagine, she says. – Now I have been exposed to his death match and finish in two rounds. I think it’s good for my health to move on now and put it behind me. It has been over three years since Bård was killed. Now Hegg will take out the memory book of all the happy and good memories with Bård. Bård Lanes and his brother Glenn. The brother tells news that he is satisfied that he can now put the case behind him. Photo: Private – For me, the legacy of Bård is important. He had a dramatic life, and many have failed him. From the time he arrived until he left. She believes that the memories of Bård invite learning in many different arenas. – My dream is that we will start spending our funds on prevention rather than punishment when things have gone really crazy, as it did in this case. Not only for Bård, but also for the perpetrators, she concludes. Published 18.06.2024, at 12.23 Updated 18.06.2024, at 17.50
