Four cars set on fire at Torshov – Stor-Oslo

Four cars caught fire at Torshov in Oslo on the night of Wednesday. – We have information indicating that it was set on fire, said incident leader Kristoffer Bang to news at the scene of the fire on Tuesday evening. One of the cars was recovered overnight on Wednesday. Photo: Terje Haugnes / news On Wednesday morning, no one has been arrested for the fire. The fires occurred less than a week after a man was arrested for six car fires in Oslo. The police inform news that he has not been released. There is therefore no suspicion that the same person set the fire this time. The police believe the fires on the night of Wednesday were set. The fire brigade extinguished it quickly, so that the fire did not spread. Person on electric scooter There are two reasons why the police believe the cars were set on fire: That so many cars caught fire at once, and observations from witnesses. – We have information which indicates that there is a person on a scooter who was seen heading away from the area immediately after the fires, says Bang. Response leader Kristoffer Bang says a person was seen walking away from the fire scene. Photo: Terje Haugnes / news – Do you have any idea where this person might have gone? – No we have not. We are searching for information about the person in question, Bang said on Tuesday evening. He says the person drove in the direction of Vogts gate at Torshov. According to the observations, the person was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt. Extinguished quickly The car fires were extinguished quickly. – The fire brigade quickly got the fires under control so they did not spread to buildings or other cars, says Bang. One of the cars that burned. Photo: Terje Haugnes / news This is because they got to the scene quickly, according to emergency manager Eirik Håheim Pedersen of the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service. The fires had not had time to settle properly in the cars yet. – We see that it has started to burn in roughly the same place in all the cars, he says. Pedersen thanks the tipsters who called in: – They are obviously observant people who have seen what has happened and called the emergency services. So we appreciate that. The cars had obvious burn damage. Photo: Terje Haugnes / news Published 12.06.2024, at 08.17 Updated 12.06.2024, at 10.02
