Found the goat Oskar shot with an arrow – news Vestland

14 September 2022 at 15:05 Found the goat Oskar shot with an arrow The police are called in after the owners of Parken Hytteutleie on Askøy found the goat Oskar shot with a bow and arrow. When Wenche Wåge Brandsdal came to work today, she discovered the crime, writes Askøyværingen. – It’s like it’s not real, it’s incredible that someone can do something like this, says Brandsdal to news. The goat is doing well according to the conditions, and has been treated by a veterinarian. Brandsdal believes the goat was shot late on Tuesday evening or on the night of Wednesday. – The arrow went 20 centimeters into the animal, now we hope the wound will heal in a good way, says the owner, who reports the case to the police.
