Found dead cow with plastic can around him in Nærøysund in Trøndelag – Noah reacts – news Trøndelag

– It is a big loss, but it is the suffering of the animal I think about the most, says Olav Hatland. He found the cow dead at the water’s edge with a blue plastic can on its head. The cow grazed on an islet by their property. That’s where they found her. The plastic can must have been so firmly attached that they had to cut it off her head. – She probably put her head into it and did not get it back up, so she went blind, he says and continues: – Either she ended up at sea so she drowned, otherwise she got too little air like that that she suffocated. A known problem Siri Martinsen says that turtles, seals, whales and fish are particularly vulnerable to dying from getting entangled in and eating rubbish in the sea. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / news Last summer, several types of disposable plastic were banned in Norway, including straws, knives and forks. The ban is based on an EU directive that was adopted in 2019 to reduce the environmental consequences of some types of plastic products. Siri Martinsen is the leader of Noah – for animal rights. She reacts strongly to the picture Hatland has taken of the cow with the plastic jug around her head. – It is an incredibly sad situation where the animal has clearly suffered and been very scared. It is very painful to see, says Martinsen. She adds that it is not uncommon for animals to die from litter in the sea. It is especially seabirds that are affected, according to her, who say almost 40 percent of seabirds are on the global red list of endangered species. “Researchers believe the biggest cause of death for these is that they get stuck in fishing gear, including abandoned gear,” says Martinsen. Hatland finally got cut from the plastic can. – It stuck the boom, he says. Photo: Olav Hatland Large amounts of rubbish Hatland painfully experienced the consequences of the amount of rubbish along beaches and islets, and he expresses great frustration over all the rubbish that drifts in from the sea. He says that he and his family pick up rubbish from their property regularly, but that more and more is coming. According to him, the sea has also been very high recently, which has driven in even more rubbish at the beach edge. – I think there are huge amounts coming.
