Fortune shopping for Haaland, Ødegaard and Solskjær

According to the tax lists, Erling Braut Haaland’s fortune increased by around NOK 16 million from 2020 to 2021. It is now 92 million, according to the figures. Last year was the star forward’s last season in Borussia Dortmund, where the Norwegian became top scorer in the Champions League. Haaland and other Norwegian players abroad are not taxed on their income in Norway, but to the country they play in. However, they can choose to tax their assets in Norway. According to Kapital, the 22-year-old is good for over one billion kroner after this summer’s transfer to Manchester City, but the figures after the super transfer will not appear until next year’s tax lists. Dad and adviser Alfie Haaland has a fortune of 36 million, according to the tax lists. The accounts from his company Tyrannus AS have previously shown a result of 40 and 20 million from 2020 and 2021 respectively. Besides Haaland, Ole Gunnar Solskjær was last year’s most talked about Norwegian football profile. Nordmøringen signed a new three-year contract with Manchester United in July 2021, but just over four months later the parties decided to part ways. FORMER UNITED MANAGER: Ole Gunnar Solskjær. Photo: OLI SCARFF / Reuters Some media have claimed that Solskjær’s parachute is around NOK 90 million. In the tax lists, his wealth has increased by 33 million in 2021. The 49-year-old is currently unemployed, and has not accepted a new managerial job after his time at United ended. His income in Norway in 2021 was 1.5 million, of which all went to tax. Martin Ødegaard’s career also reverberates in the tax lists. In 2020, he was listed with zero kroner in wealth in the Norwegian tax lists. In 2021, the Arsenal player had over 79 million in assets. Ødegaard is not listed as having income in Norway, as he plays in England, but, like Haaland, has chosen to tax his wealth in Norway. Warholm tops Ingebrigtsen 2021’s major sporting highlight for many Norwegians was the summer Olympics in Tokyo. Norway’s biggest hopes lived up to expectations, with four golds and a total of eight medals. One of the Olympics’ wildest performances came when Karsten Warholm set a world record in the 400-meter hurdles. In the same season, he won the Diamond League overall at the event and was named the male athlete of the year in the world. The tax lists show that Warholm had a net income of 17.9 million and a fortune of 16.4 million. Both a clear increase from the previous year. Jakob Ingebrigtsen also had a brilliant season, with the Olympic gold in the 1500 meters as the highlight. The Sandnesløperen is listed with 3.8 million in income and a fortune of just over 10 million – almost a doubling from the 2020 figures. SUCCESS: Karsten Warholm profited well from the sporting success in 2021. Photo: VEGARD GRØTT / BILDBYRÅN The summer sports nation In the past, the winter sports athletes clearly received the most attention from the media and the Norwegian people. In recent years, Norway has begun to assert itself in major summer sports, and 2021 was a good year for several of the biggest profiles. Casper Ruud then climbed into the top ten in the world tennis rankings for the first time. It gave a solid boost to the tax lists, where the 23-year-old is listed with over 9 million in income. Golf ace Viktor Hovland has lived in the USA for large parts of his adult life, and does not pay taxes in Norway. In 2021 he won the European Tour and took one win on the PGA Tour. Magnus Carlsen is naturally doing well in the year-round sport of chess. In addition to being the world’s best across the board, the Norwegian has successfully started his own company. His fortune increased by 13 million and stands at 61.9 million in 2021. The income is listed at 17.9 million, just under 162 kroner more than Warholm. CHESS GENIUS: Magnus Carlsen. Photo: Jørund Wessel Carlsen / news Glimt success Bodø/Glimt has been one of Norwegian club football’s greatest adventures in recent seasons, which also rubs off on the club’s employees. Coach Kjetil Knutsen was wanted by Rosenborg, but chose to extend the agreement with Glimt. The tax figures show that he has experienced an enormous wage increase in the north. From an income of 2.3 million in 2020 to 6.73 million in 2021. That makes Knutsen the Eliteserien’s best-paid coach. It is also more than national team manager Ståle Solbakken earns. For the first time in many years, he is listed with an income in Norway, which according to the figures was 4.45 million. Solbakken’s assets are 42.9 million. That is more than Knutsen’s fortune of just over seven million. Glimt’s highest paid player was Amahl Pellegrino with an income of 5.3 million. He played both for Damac in Saudi Arabia and the northerners this year. GLIMT COACH: Kjetil Knutsen. Photo: Kasper Holgersen / news
