Fornebubanen has been approved by the Oslo City Council – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– There have been tough decisions along the way and difficult decisions to make in this case, said Environment and Transport Agency Councilor Sirin Stav (MDG) in the debate. Her party secured the majority together with the Labor Party, SV, Conservatives, Liberals and KrF. Tough roof: But the decision will stand for generations, says Sirin Stav (MDG). Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – I am very happy that today we are making a decision that I am sure will stand for many generations, said the MDG city councilor. She pointed out that Fornebubanen is the largest metro investment since the 60s and 70s. – We are building a new subway to cut emissions, reduce car traffic and increase investment in public transport, cycling and walking, said Sirin Stav. Critical of the tolls The Progress Party, the People’s Party FNB, Chaudhry’s group, the Center Party and Rødt voted against. Red is particularly critical of the toll increase in Oslo Package 3, which was adopted at the same time. – Oslo package 3 has become a Vestkant and Bærum package 3. What is to be built is the monster road project E18 Vestkorridoren and Fornebubanen, said Rødt’s Siavash Mobasheri. – Now toll prices are rising even more. For Rødt, it is not acceptable for people in Oslo east to be forced into a splice team that does not benefit themselves, Mobasheri said. The supporters of the course reject this. Several speakers pointed out that Fornebubanen will also provide more departures on the metro in the east when Majorstuen station is upgraded. FORNEBU STATION: Everything goes as planned, it looks like this in the construction pit at Fornebu in 2029. Photo: Fornebubanen Long discussion A route to Fornebu has been discussed and in mind since the airport was closed in 1998. A driverless cable car was adopted and rejected . The same thing happened with the tram. When the choice finally fell on the eight-kilometer metro between Fornebu and Majorstuen, the price was to be NOK 4.5 billion. A number of price increases and delays later came the shock message on 1 April. The price was now up to NOK 26.4 billion. And the runway would not be completed until 2029, more than thirty years after the last flight took off from Fornebu. Threatened to stop Then the debate really took off. It peaked three weeks ago. The Oslo Labor Party convened a press conference and threatened to stop construction unless they met a number of demands. Both the landowners and the other owner of the course, Viken County Municipality, had to spit in more. If not, the Oslo Labor Party was willing to leave a giant crater at Fornebu as a monument to a failed collective effort. BUILDING GROUP: Here comes the terminus at Fornebu plus a new underground base for subway cars. Photo: Artur do Carmo / news Last Monday came the counter message. With a commitment of 2.1 fresh billion from the landowners, city council leader Raymond Johansen was able to announce that the city council gave the green light. Thus, today’s majority for Fornebubanen was secured. 31.3 billion Where the final sum ends no one knows. Today’s price of 26.4 billion kroner is in 2021 kroner. In its proposal to the city council, the city council has calculated what the price will be if the price increase in building and construction is 5.7 percent in the entire construction period, as it has been the last two years. Then the price tag will be NOK 31.3 billion. In that case, one approaches four million kroner per. meters. – Who in this room is the one who thinks it stops there? asked the Center Party’s Morten Edvardsen in the city council on Wednesday. – We have to stop here. This is completely irresponsible, said Edvardsen. More tolls At the same time as Fornebubanen, the city council approved the new Oslo package 3 agreement. This is where it is planned that toll rates will increase by an average of 40 per cent. The toll increase comes in two stages, 1 September this year and 1 January 2024. You can read how much the tariffs increase for passenger cars here: Viken County Council will make the same decisions tomorrow. There, however, the majority has been clear for a long time.
