Former policeman Johan Martin Vie sentenced to detention again – fears new abuses – news Vestland

The former police officer in Odda was convicted of serious assaults against boys in 2010. At that time he received a custodial sentence of ten years in the Gulating Court of Appeal for: Sexual intercourse with several boys aged 10 to 15 from Norway, Romania and Brazil. Production and possession of material that sexualises children. Image material that was found had a sadistic feel of torture and abuse of children. Human trafficking. The man was also part of a large pedophile network, where he took pictures and shared the abuses he committed with others. The man has now had his detention extended for five years in Romerike and Glåmdal district court. “Can’t control impulses” The man was first released on probation in 2016. It then took a short time before he committed new serious offences. Without permission, he then acquired a PC, and downloaded abuse material. The police found pictures of tortured, dead and mutilated children on the former policeman’s PC. During the probationary period, he also chatted about his fantasies and new abuses against children. It “shows that the defendant has urges and needs that have not allowed themselves to be controlled, even under the threat of continued detention”, says the previous detention sentence. If the treatment has not worked The court believes that a fixed-term sentence is not enough to protect the life, health or freedom of others. Among other things, they point to the fact that the therapy he has received for almost ten years has not worked. They therefore believe that there is no treatment that can reduce the risk of further abuse. He also meets the criteria for the diagnosis of dyssocial personality disorder. The judgment states that his explanation appears detached, where he downplays and minimizes the abuses he has committed. Fear of more abuse abroad State attorney and prosecutor Benedicte Hordnes believes that the verdict is exactly as expected. She points to the fact that he was released on parole, that he was given that chance, but still committed new, serious offences. At the same time, Hordnes emphasizes that he then had no opportunity to commit physical abuse. – He commits the most serious abuses in countries where children have poor protection, and there is a low degree of detection. We fear that he would have gone ashore, and continued to carry on without it being revealed, she says. The man’s defender, lawyer Christian Norgaard, states that his client has appealed the sentence. He does not want to comment on it further. Public prosecutor and prosecutor Benedicte Hordnes believes that the verdict is exactly as expected. She feared that the former policeman would commit further abuses abroad, where children have poor protection, if he had been released on parole. Photo: Adrian Nyhammer Olsen / news Releases True Crime about the case This spring there will be a True Crime series on Discovery+ about the policeman. The series “Operation Lost Boy” tells the story of how abuse material on his computer uncovered an international pedophile ring in Romania, Brazil, Afghanistan, Great Britain, Italy and the USA, writes Dagsavisen.
