Former Økocrim top helps Finnes – Latest news – news

19 September 2023 at 20:19 Former Økocrim top assists Finnes Elden lawyer Thomas Skjelbred confirms that he is Sindre Finnes’ adviser. – Yes, I can confirm that I have been contacted by Sindre Finnes and that he consults with me. I will come back to be able to comment on a later occasion, he says to news. Skjelbred is former deputy head of Økokrim, and now a lawyer at Advokatfirmaet Elden AS. It appears from Høyre’s timeline on the matter that Finnes has also received help from John Christian Elden. The two are friends in private. – Everyone needs a good friend. Also Sindre and even when the wind blows fresh. He needed help to think and try to fulfill Erna’s wish for an overview, and of course he got it. Lawyer Thomas Skjelbred is also assisting, says Elden to news.
