Former army chief believes Prigozhin has hidden supporters in the Russian power apparatus – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– I believe that Prigozhin has a background that gives him good knowledge of the various actors and their role in the Russian systems, says Johannessen. Since 2014, Prigozhin has led the notorious paramilitary organization Wagner, and has increasingly made his presence felt in Russia’s foreign policy and now in the war in Ukraine. Before that, he was known as Putin’s chef, when he ran one of the president’s favorite restaurants. – As Prigozhin has the background he has, he knows what probability he has of succeeding in what he has set out to do, says Johannessen. He is now director of the Business Security Council. – Of course, it is impossible to say anything for sure, but I don’t think he would have started if he assumed he couldn’t succeed, analyzes Johannessen. PUTIN’S COOK: Yevgeny Prigozhin serves Vladimir Putin at a restaurant outside Moscow in November 2011. Photo: Misha Japaridze / AP – So he probably has support in other parts of the power apparatus, perhaps in secret? – Yes I believe. This phase is critical. The supporters will not come forward until they see that this can succeed. Now Prigozhin probably stands quite alone. But with each hour that passes, we will probably see a result emerge with greater certainty. Great support in the regular forces The former army chief says it is crucial who eventually gives his support to Prigozhin. – The most important thing is to see if more supporters come forward. Who really commands what? Do we know anything about the Russian forces? Do they join Wagner, as some say? Do they do as they are told, as other sources claim? asks the former army chief. Johannessen believes the answers to these questions can be an indication of the support Prigozhin has in the regular forces. – There is no doubt that, through the way he has addressed these military shortcomings in the Russian forces, he has become popular. Both in our own organisation, but also in the ordinary forces, Johannessen points out. Setting up machine guns outside Moscow On Saturday afternoon, several media reports that Russian forces are placing machine gun posts outside Moscow. Johannessen does not think this is just a precautionary measure. – They take no chances. Moscow knows who they are dealing with. They know that Prigozhin and his people in Wagner have carried out military operations in several places in the world. They know that they are capable of doing a lot and achieving a lot. They have managed Bakhmut, and have suffered greatly for it. – They set this up as active measures to be able to protect themselves in case the Wagner group gets this far, says Johannessen. Don’t think Putin will flee A plane owned by the Russian authorities has taken off from Moscow and is supposed to be on its way to St. Petersburg. It shows data from Flightradar24. The plane is supposed to be one of Putin’s planes, and was used by the president when he visited Beijing during the 2022 Olympics, according to Aftenposten. Johannessen does not think Putin will risk looking weak and fleeing. – It is possible that he can move or be in motion. But he probably won’t leave Russia. Where is he going to go? East perhaps, but then he shows everyone that he does not have the power or the control that he claims to have. I do not believe that.
