Former after-school employee sentenced to six years in prison for rape – Greater Oslo

– We have now gone through the judgment and take it into account, and think that this decision is both thorough and correct, says lawyer Brit Kjelleberg. She is an assistance lawyer for the child and the family. The accused man had a part-time job at SFO at a school in the eastern region. According to the indictment, he had sexual intercourse with one of the children. The indictment states that he raped and molested the child on several occasions over a period of five months. The man pleads not guilty. When the case was up in the district court, he was sentenced to prison for four years and nine months. He appealed the sentence. In mid-June, the case was heard again in the Borgarting Court of Appeal. Guilty on all counts The Borgarting Court of Appeal has now found the man guilty on all charges. And they have increased the penalty to six years in prison. The same as the public prosecutor asked for when the appeal case was before the court. He is also sentenced to pay compensation of NOK 330,000 to the victim. Considering appealing The man’s defender, Cecilie Lyng says that her client has denied throughout that the conditions he was accused of have taken place. – He is both shocked and disappointed that he was sentenced in the Court of Appeal. The case is deeply tragic for all parties involved. Lawyer Cecilie Lyng is defending the former SFO employee. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB She points out that there are no witness statements or other evidence in the case, which can concretely shed light on the individual indictments. – Nevertheless, the Court of Appeal has both found my client guilty of the indictment and increased the penalty. – This means that I will now thoroughly review the judgment with my client in order to consider an appeal to the Supreme Court. Ended the job According to the indictment, the assaults took place inside the school. The defendant is said to have threatened that if the child told anyone, the child would not be allowed to see the family again. The school was notified. news has spoken to the principal of the school where the man was employed. They say that the charges were put before him and it was decided that he should quit his job immediately. After the incident, the school went through its routines. They made the necessary changes to limit one-on-one situations in an after-school context. Dropped twice The police first dropped the case after the state of the evidence. The child’s legal aid lawyer Brit Kjelleberg complained, and the State Attorney ordered a further investigation. But once again the case was dropped. Only after a new complaint and a new order from the State Attorney’s Office was the investigation resumed. Shortly afterwards, the man was charged. Kjelleberg says this is not entirely unusual. – Investigating criminal cases is a bit complex, and each case is different. And the information obtained in a case can be assessed in slightly different ways. She says they are happy that we were upheld in the complaints. – And that this was a case that ended up in legal proceedings, and has now had an outcome that we think is correct. Published 27.06.2024, at 11.47 Updated 27.06.2024, at 12.01
