Forest fire ravages Vestby

There is still a fire in the forest near Garder in Vestby in Follo. Since the first reports came to the fire service approx. at At 1.30 p.m. the fire has grown in size. At 5:30 p.m., duty manager Roger Andersen at East 110 central tells news that the fire has spread approx. 300 meters north. – We have no control, Andersen says. The police tell Vestby Avis that there is an area of ​​approx. 90 targets that are now burning Two fire helicopters have been deployed in the extinguishing work, and the fire service is receiving assistance from the Norwegian Civil Defence. Vestby Avis writes that local farmers also help with the extinguishing. It must be a newly established logging field that burns. The fire itself is still some distance away from buildings. As of now, it is not appropriate to evacuate anyone. The smoke spreads faster than the flames and can be blown towards buildings.
