Foreign kayak paddles exposed to paddle accident in Vågå – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The paddler is being treated on land now. – We were told that there was someone who had been under water for a while, says Roger Haugen in the police in the Inland who are at the scene. START HEART AND LUNG RESCUE: Roger Haugen in the Inland Police says that the two comrades started cardiopulmonary resuscitation before health personnel arrived at the scene. Photo: Even Lusæter / news The paddler was with two others when the accident happened. – They have obviously got him ashore themselves and start cardiopulmonary resuscitation until they received assistance from health, Haugen says. It is not clear how things have gone with the paddler who is a foreign citizen in his 20s. He is now lifted up by the river gill and is flown on to hospital by ambulance helicopter. UNCLEAR: The police can not say anything about how things have gone with the paddler yet. Photo: Even Lusæter / news The paddler must have breathed himself when he was transported to hospital.
