Forecasts snow on several mountain passes. Now you should have winter tires. – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

It is heading for colder times, and there is already snow on several mountain passes. Now is the time to change to winter tyres, says traffic operator Hans Are Dahl in the Norwegian Road Administration. – I don’t think you, your fellow road users or the insurance company will appreciate you moving into the mountains without winter tyres, he says. The car salvage companies have already received several assignments. WARNING: The Meteorological Institute has issued a warning about snow on the mountains in southern Norway. Photo: Skjermdump / Twitter More cars had to be salvaged Førde Bilberging department Vik had several missions on Vikafjellet on Friday evening, together with Voss Bilberging. They do not yet have the total overview of how many had to be rescued. – There were cars all over the mountain last night. Cars on summer tires that drove off the road or stopped to get help down from the mountain, says Dag Risløv at Førde Bilberging. Not unusual It is not unusual for some of the mountain passes to close as soon as snow arrives. Traffic operator Dahl says that Gamle Strynefjellsvegen and Friisvegen are often closed first each year. These mountain passes are closed or smooth Fylkesveg 258, Gamle Strynefjellsvegen. Not sure when it will reopen. Fylkesveg 2204, Friisvegen in Ringebu. Not sure when it will reopen. Highway 13 Vikafjellet. Reported about slippery road and recommendation for winter tires. Friisvegen in Ringebu closed on Saturday morning. Dahl does not think that it entails any particular drama. – It basically affects those who have a cabin and are going on a trip, but they are familiar with this, he says. As of now, the Swedish Road Administration has no plans to close more mountain passes. SNOW: There is already a lot of snow at Valdresflya. Photo: webcam / Norwegian Road Administration
