– For the owners it is sad – news Nordland

Figures from the website of the power exchange Nord Pool show that there will be free electricity between 2 pm and 3 pm in Central Norway and Northern Norway on Saturday. It reports NTB. According to Europower, there will also be virtually free electricity in the south as well, with a price of 1-2 øre / kWh for four hours from 1 pm – It is extremely cheap. Linn Kristin Hauge tells news. She is a portfolio manager at SKS Handel. In June, the average price of electricity was 17 times cheaper north of Dovre than in southern Norway. In southwestern Norway, the filling level is historically low, and crisis measures such as rationing have been announced for the autumn. LET THE WATER RUN OVER: The water in the regulation reservoir Balvatn in Nordland to overflow on the evening of 29 June. According to SKS, this is the first time this has happened so early in the year. Photo: Ben-Are Pedersen At the same time, the water flows past the water turbines in several places in Nordland because it does not pay to produce more electricity. – For the consumer, it is good that it is cheap in the short term. But for the owners of power production, like the municipalities, it is not good. This can affect the municipal economy and public services, says Hauge. It can also slow down new power development and stop new industry in the region. Paid to use electricity? In Sweden, Denmark and Germany, there will be negative prices during periods this weekend, according to Hauge. It is also estimated that one will be able to see this in periods in northern Norway this summer. Thus, in theory, you get paid to use electricity. But is it that simple? Both yes and no, we must believe Hauge. – You will also have to pay grid rent and fees. It will not be completely free, she says. It is also not the case that you actually get money transferred from the power companies to use the electricity. If you have a spot price agreement, the electricity companies calculate the average price. If you use electricity during the period of free or negative electricity price, this will help to reduce the average price, according to Faktisk.no Large differences The difference in electricity price has never before been as large as now. Until the winter, it will be even worse, several power analysts predict. – The prospect is that the winter will be tough. We have not been near ever before of what is to come, said power analyst Tor Reier Lilleholt in Volue Insight to news earlier this week. It has been wet and gray the last few days in the north. This contributes to low electricity prices. Here at Rognan in Saltdal municipality. Photo: Knut F. Olsen The price this summer is far higher than what we had this winter. When consumption increases, we expect higher prices than now, he said. He predicts an average price of between 2.50 kroner and 3 kroner in southern Norway this winter. In northern Norway, it is expected to be cheaper. Selling at a loss In northern Norway, power producers can produce more electricity than is needed. The reason is that Nordland, Troms and Finnmark have good water and wind conditions, but the demand for electricity in the region is not large enough. Sending the power south is not an option either. For that, the transmission capacity between north and south is too poor. And with such low electricity prices as it has been in the north, electricity is sold at a loss. With electricity prices of around 1 øre per kilowatt hour, and a production cost of around 5 øre, it goes without saying that it is not lucrative for power producers. – Manufacturers must produce regardless. They must do the same even if the prices are negative, says Hauge.
