For nine years, one shot has plagued Kim-André Lund – now he is the shooter king again – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– Now it’s gone, it’s lovely. I feel ten kilos lighter, I do. Kim-André Aannestad Lund is finally rid of the ghost of the last time he became king in Oppdal in 2013. That time he won after a shootout, but a shot from a competitor in his blink has since then troubled the 31-year-old. – It is very important for me to take that royal title. Because the last time I did it, maybe I didn’t feel that it was really deserved, Lund told news before the competition. – Then I drop the devil on my shoulder who says that … I don’t really know what he’s saying either, but he drags you down a bit. He’s holding you down, he said. With 100 points in the royal team, and 349 out of 350 possible over two days, there was no one who could measure up to Aanestad Lund. – I’m at a loss for words right now, it’s been a bit of a weird day. A little up and down in relation to nerves. It is a small dream come true to take this royal title without a side dish, says Lund. “Complaint” was not accepted The first time, in 2013, the title was accepted with a side note. Lund looked set to finish with 245 points in the opening 25 shots. There had been no place in the royal team, and he could look far for a royal title. But suddenly, when the results list came across the screen, the score 246 stood behind Lund’s name. One of the competitors had shot a shot in Lund’s blinker, and when there is one shot too many on the record, the regulations state that the weakest must be struck out. – I was in the office of DFS (the organizer) to say that they can cancel the ten that I had received, which I did not deserve, says Lund. But Lund’s “complaint” was not accepted, he became one of the 15 shooters on the royal team and shot so well that he ended up in a shoot-off for the royal trophy. The then 22-year-old Aannestad Lund beat the eight (!) others in the shoot-off and was left as shooter king. – I considered for a long time not to shoot that round. But when I first did it, and became king, then it was king with a bit of that aftertaste. So it would be fun to prove once and for all that I can actually do it on my own. KING: Kim-André Aannestad Lund had mixed feelings when he became archery king in 2013. Photo: news A devil Lund, who has now turned 31 years old, has been one of Norway’s leading archers also after the National Archery Convention in 2013. He has several top 10 positions in the WC and EC, but after LS in 2014, when he finished in second place, 11th place from 2018 was his best in the National Archery Competition. Before Wednesday. Now he believes the victory can help him on the road to new triumphs on the shooting range. – I will take it with me to the WC in Egypt. I’m betting on a medal there, says Lund. In the championship in October, he will shoot the 300 meter all-around. Overcoming doubt, or “the devil on your shoulder” as Kim-André Aannestad Lund calls it, can be the decisive factor for a shooter’s success or failure. To dare to stand in it and overcome one’s own doubts. – It’s about actually daring to do the job, and not just taking the fastest way out, finishing the shot and picking them off. It is a bad solution, he says. Touched sister: – Deserves that feeling Even though Kim-André herself has previously failed to repeat the royal feat, sister Katrine became Sagittarius Queen in 2017. She was touched by her brother’s triumph on Wednesday. – It’s like I’ve won, I just came straight back to it. I saw in him that it was the same feeling, and he deserves that feeling, she says to news. TOUCHED: Little sister Katrine Aanestad Lund had to wipe away some tears on Wednesday evening. Photo: Thomas Hagajore Fosse / Thomas Hagajore Fosse news – He is betting on the WC this year and has trained incredibly hard for it, but then he has secretly also trained an incredible amount with the sauer (the weapon used in LS) to show for himself that this will work, that he deserves to be king and to feel like one. Although Kim Andre himself says he has felt the support from the shooting community, Katrine says that there have been comments like “yes, but he wouldn’t have won if that hadn’t happened”. – One comment like that is enough to make you think that you didn’t really deserve it, she says. – You can say that he has become king before and has done so, but he has not had the feeling of having mastered it properly. Because last time it was a bit like a “bitter-sweet moment”, says little sister Lund. Katrine Aannestad Lund opened up about heavy thoughts last year: Lunde: – These are the rules. news’s ​​shooting expert Ola Lunde has no doubt that the king’s title in 2013 was deserved and points out that the same thing happened to a shooter last Tuesday during the national shooting convention. – Those are the rules now, so it’s okay that he became king then, I think. But I think Kim probably felt it was worth less. If he wins today, he will probably feel a completely different joy, said Lunde before the royal team. FAVORITE: Ola Lunde believes Aannestad Lund has good opportunities to secure a new royal title. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB He was impressed by what Lund achieved on Wednesday. – It is huge. It has been a real challenge for him. He has really made a super effort and prepared to the max. You saw the joy when he had managed it, he says. – You saw how nervous he was during the test shots. It didn’t fit at all, completely abnormal. Then he delivers a perfect series when it matters most.
