Football team from Palestine invited to Carp Concert – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

25 young people from Palestine and Lebanon participated in the Norway Cup this week. On the subway home from Ekebergsletta in Oslo, the young people danced to Karpe’s song and posted a video on Instagram. The rap duo took it with them, and have invited the young people to the first of ten concerts Karpe plays in Oslo Spektrum. The first one starts tonight. – It’s really fun that they noticed us, says Altayeb Albuhaisi (14). He is one of the young people, and is now going to his first concert. – I am very happy. 14-year-old Altayeb Albuhaisi is looking forward to a concert. Photo: André Børke / news / André Børke Gives the football trophy to Karpe They fielded two football teams, a girls’ team and a boys’ team. Gutelaget won bronze in the cup, and as a thank you for letting them come to the concert, Albuhaisi says they will give the trophy to Karpe. The football team from Palestine stands outside Oslo Spektrum and waits in excitement before they go to a concert at Karpe. Photo: André Børke / news Photo: André Børke / news There is a lot of dancing and fun before the young people go to the concert. Photo: André Børke / news Now they are going in to meet Karpe before the concert starts. The young people are in Norway at a time when their hometown is under attack. On Friday, the Palestinian Authority said that at least ten people have been killed and 79 injured following Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. Israel has announced that the attack will continue for another week. Over 100,000 tickets have been sold Over 100,000 concert tickets for the Karpe concerts have been sold, and no one else has done this before. When news met the duo earlier this week, Chirag Rashmikant Patel and Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid admitted that they are stressed. – We are thinking about all the details that need to be put in place before the show – so yes, answered Magdi. Carp ready for 10xSpectrum. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news The concerts were actually supposed to start in August 2021, but were moved to 2022 due to corona.
