Football referee Svein Oddvar Moen charged with serious tax fraud – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

This is revealed in a charge from the chief of police in Sør-Vest. It was during the years 2014 to 2020 that Moe allegedly avoided paying an amount of NOK 1,017,695. – We became aware of the relationship after a report from the Norwegian Tax Agency. They have carried out an inspection of a sole proprietorship owned by the accused. During the inspection, they discovered that there is income that has not been declared for taxation. This is what police attorney Camilla Levang says to news. The charge states that the prosecution does not believe that Moen has acted deliberately. Acknowledges mistakes Moen himself tells news that he admits to having made mistakes. – I wanted to make amends, and have also paid everything back. I will appear in court and take the punishment I deserve. He confirms that the tax case is linked to income from his job as a football referee. In December 2010, he moved up to the top level of European football referees. Here from the Champions League quarter-final between Real Madrid and Galatasaray in 2013. Photo: Manuel Queimadelos Alonso / Getty Images The income is registered in Moen’s sole proprietorship, which was deleted from the Brønnøysund registers in March this year. – I acknowledge having made mistakes, and this has never been done knowingly and willfully. We have known that this case is coming, as it has been going on for three years, says Moen. – How is it for you to be in this situation? – Of course I should have been on the sidelines. At the same time, a mistake has been made, and it must be corrected. Difficult to estimate punishment Moen himself acknowledged the relationship already in the first police interview. – The accused has acknowledged that he has acted grossly negligently, and this implies that the act is reprehensible, and that he should have known what he did. He himself has acknowledged that he should have realized what he did, says police attorney Levang. The case will be heard in Haugaland and Sunnhordland District Court on 11 September this year. Levang says it is difficult to say anything about the penalty. – The tax evasion is serious according to the size of the amount, and that has an impact on the punishment he receives. It is greatly mitigating that he has acknowledged the relationship, as it simplifies the treatment. Frame of up to six years Lawyer Ann Johnsen is a specialist in cases of tax fraud and has extensive experience as a defense attorney in major financial criminal cases. She points out that serious tax evasion carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment for up to six years. If such a severe punishment is to be relevant, many millions of kroner must still be avoided. – What the punishment will be concretely has not only to do with the amount, but it will provide a starting point. If one confesses in the first interrogation, the sentence must be reduced significantly, perhaps up to 25 percent. Tax evasion legislation § 380: Grossly negligent tax evasion Anyone who grossly negligently provides incorrect or incomplete information to a public authority, or fails to provide mandatory information, when he should understand that this could lead to tax benefits, is punished with a fine or imprisonment of up to 1 year. If grossly negligent tax evasion must be considered gross, cf. section 379 first paragraph, imprisonment of up to 6 years can be applied. Source: Lovdata Johnsen believes that the starting point for tax evasion of around one million kroner will be approximately ten months in prison. – But mitigating circumstances could mean that the penalty in the specific case is significantly lower. The case will go to Haugaland and Sunnhordland district court on 11 September. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news
