Flooding rain makes it worse in Gaza’s tent camps – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The refugees in Gaza, displaced by the rain of rockets, now fear that there will be more of the normal rain. They freeze, cough, and sleep sitting or standing. – Before I prayed to God for the rain to come, but now I pray to God for it to end, despairs Amin Aweid. It is raining in Nuseirat. Photo: Jibrel Abu Kmail / news He raises his shoulders, because he is, after all, lucky. He has survived. The rest of the family does not. – I have lost eleven family members. If I had been at home, the whole family would have been gone, Amin tells the reporters news works with in the Nuseirat refugee camp, in the center of the Gaza Strip. Diseases are already spreading, the experts warn. It’s the perfect storm. People stand in front of rubbish and mud in a puddle between the tents in Nuseirat. Photo: Jibrel Abu Kmail / news – We sleep very close together, like in a sardine can, says Mostafa Abu Sakil. He too is lucky. He and his family have a tent. But that doesn’t stop the water. – We had mattresses on the ground. But when the rain came, we had to pack them away, says Mostafa, who last night slept sitting in a chair. He gets on his back, the pain rushes into his neck. The old body is not built for this. Mostafa Abu Sakil tries to scoop water out of the tent. Photo: Jibrel Abu Kmail / news Drop by drop, hope is fading. – We don’t get help. We get nothing, sighs Amin. Gaza is a pile of rubble. Now the streets have become a mud bath. – May God help us, asks Amu Mahmoud Kashmir. Surrounded by a group of small children, she pounds grain in a mortar to make flour. A large bag of flour can now cost well over NOK 1,000. – Recipe for epidemics The healthcare system in Gaza has collapsed, says the UN emergency aid coordinator in Gaza, Lynn Hastings. – We have a recipe for epidemics and a public health disaster, Hastings said at a press conference on Wednesday. The hospitals are overcrowded, damaged in rocket attacks. They must work without anesthesia, without electricity and medical equipment. There are large puddles between the tents in Nuseirat. Photo: Jibrel Abu Kmail / news The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported a sharp increase in acute respiratory infections, diarrhoea, lice, scabies and other diseases that spread quickly. On Wednesday, the health services in Gaza announced that they had run out of children’s vaccines. Nuseirat has been hit hard by rocket attacks. On Sunday, five people, including three children, lost their lives in an Israeli attack on the camp. Photo: Jibrel Abu Kmail / news Gaza was already before the war one of the world’s most densely populated areas, with 2 million inhabitants distributed over an area slightly smaller than the municipality of Oslo. Now the vast majority have fled south, into an even smaller area. Israel promises to continue the war – with and without international support 153 of the UN’s 193 member states voted yesterday for a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the war. The US and Israel joined eight other countries in voting against the proposal. Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen says the message from the international community does not change anything. – Israel will continue the war against Hamas with and without international support. A ceasefire at the current stage is a gift to the terrorist organization Hamas, says Cohen. US President Joe Biden said earlier this week that Israel was losing its international support. He urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make changes in his government.
