Flood warning from Østfold to Agder – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

– A rather wet day is expected, says on-duty meteorologist Julie Solsvik Vågane. A yellow flood warning has been issued in several places in Southern and Eastern Norway for the next three days. According to Varsom, there is a risk of flooding in low-lying areas along the coast from Østfold to Agder until Friday morning. – The precipitation is coming straight in from the south. Within three days, 50 to 70 millimeters can fall, says Vågane. Flood warning along the coast The rainfall can lead to local flooding and erosion damage in streams and smaller rivers, and stormwater in densely built-up areas. The ground is already drenched after snow melting in several places, says Elin Langsholt. She is a hydrologist on duty at the flood warning service in the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE). There can be up to 50–70 mm of rainfall in three days along the coast in southern Norway. Photo: Meteorological Institute – There will probably be some stormwater problems in densely built-up areas, especially on roads and car parks. Vansjø is very high and the Haldenvassdraget will also be high, says Langsholt. The low pressure from the south will result in the most precipitation west of the Oslofjord. On Saturday, the precipitation moves eastwards. – It is a mild and moist air. We are most used to the weather hitting the west, and there nature tolerates a little more rainfall. In the east, there are not as many rivers and waters that can take away the rainfall, says Solsvik. – Clean up twigs and brooms NVE asks people to ensure that things do not float around. It may also be a good idea to move valuables away from exposed areas – Clean up twigs and ensure proper drainage. It is wise to have more waterways from areas where a lot of water can form, says hydrologist Langsholt. The temperature will be 3–5 plus degrees along the coast. Further inland, the temperature will drop, and in high-lying areas the precipitation may come as snow. The precipitation will subside during the weekend. Better weather is expected next week. – You could say that this is also a sign of spring, says Solsvik. The roads may be flooded with water at the weekend. Meteorologist asks people to take precautions. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news Windy in the north The precipitation will also hit northern Norway towards the weekend, but not to the same extent. The wind will also increase first in the south, and in Finnmark it will not decrease until Friday morning. Wind gusts of 25–30 meters per second are expected in exposed places. – There will be some wind in the first 24 hours, and periods of sleet or snow showers in outer regions, the meteorologists write about the weather in northern Norway until the weekend, says the meteorologist. In the West there will also be precipitation, but the weekend will be characterized by cloudy weather and calm conditions – Next week there will be fine conditions throughout the country, and the precipitation will decrease, says Solsvik. For large parts of the country, conditions will be calmer during the week.
