Flood victims should prepare for devastating floods – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– The way the picture looks now, there is a greater probability of damaging floods this year than in a normal year, says regional manager of NVE Region East, Toril Hofshagen to VG. The situation this year is reminiscent of 2018, according to NVE. They believe that people who live at risk of flooding must prepare themselves, writes Glåmdalen. There has been an abnormally large supply of snow in many places in the country in March and April. The snow has stayed because of cool weather in many places. There is therefore a greater probability of damaging floods this year than there is in a normal year. SERIOUS SITUATION: An ice jam caused major problems in 2018. It led to floods in Glomma near Hanestad in Rendalen. Photo: Geir Olav Slåen / news Danger of damaging floods in the interior According to flood warning officer Harald Songe of NVE, it is Glomma, Gudbrandsdalslågen, Begnavassdraget, Hallingdalselva, Numedalslågen and Telemarkvassdraget that are at risk this spring. – What has been sent out now is not a flood warning, but a reminder to people to think about it and prepare, says Songe to news. He encourages people to secure assets along waterways and lakes that traditionally run high. – But it is the weather going forward that will determine whether there will be any floods or not, he says. NVE and Glommens og Laagen’s Owners’ Association (GLB) met on Thursday. – The situation is reminiscent of 2018 with a lot of snow left at this time, and a high probability of a significant flood, said Hans-Christian Udnæs, responsible for watercourse operations in GLB, to Glåmdalen. FLOODED: The municipal center in Sel municipality, Otta, has been hit hard by floods repeatedly. Here from 2018. Photo: news No danger in the near future Udnæs says that weather forecasts 14 days ahead indicate that the spring flood will not start in full during this period. – A late start to the spring flood, however, indicates that there is a greater probability of a major flood later. We don’t yet know how big the flood will be, as it will be determined by the weather, Udnæs told Glåmdalen. Meteorologist on duty Martin Granerød tells news that it looks like a low pressure will arrive on Monday, but that the temperature is still quite low. – The precipitation that falls will mainly come as sleet and snow into the interior. In coastal areas, it looks like there will be rain and sleet, says Granerød. He says there won’t be much rainfall. – Further ahead, the weather will be relatively dry over the whole of the eastern mountains, which means that we expect little rainfall, and it still looks like the temperatures will remain relatively low, with minus degrees at night, says Granerød. – This particularly applies to the higher-lying areas, with some plus degrees during the day of between 10 and 15 degrees in the lowlands. Nor will melting snow be a big problem at first, with cool weather. – With freezing temperatures at night, you don’t get continuous snow melting throughout the day.
