Flood victims should prepare for devastating floods – Latest news – news

29 April 2023 at 13:10 NVE: Flood victims should prepare for devastating floods The probability that Norway will experience a devastating flood is increasing, says Norway’s Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE). – The way the picture looks now, there is a greater probability of damaging floods this year than in a normal year, says regional manager of NVE Region East, Toril Hofshagen to VG. The situation this year is reminiscent of 2018, according to NVE. They believe that people who live at risk of flooding must prepare themselves, writes Glåmdalen. There has been an abnormally large supply of snow in many places in the country in March and April. The snow has stayed because of cool weather in many places. There is therefore a greater probability of damaging floods this year than there is in a normal year. – If the type of weather continues in the future, as it has been reported that it will, the melting will not properly start in large parts of southern Norway, says Hofshagen to VG. According to the newspaper, it is Glomma, Gudbrandsdalslågen, Begnavassdraget, Hallingdalselva, Numedalslågen and Telemarkvassdraget that are exposed this spring. (NTB)
