Flight trouble in Finnmark due to good weather – and fog – news Troms and Finnmark

The airport in Vardø has experienced several overflights. Mayor Tor Erik Labahå says that the weather forecasters know that they cannot control the weather. Hot on land – cool over the sea Communications advisor Line Lindegaard Carlsen in Widerøe states that the company during the days 12.-19. In July, 52 departures were canceled in Finnmark due to fog, low cloud cover and other weather phenomena. – To put the number in perspective, it may be good to know that Widerøe flies around 400 daily departures, she wrote in an e-mail to news. State meteorologist Marek Ratajczak at the Weather Forecast for Northern Norway explains why the weather is never so good that there is nothing wrong with it. There is often fog in Finnmark when warm air over land meets cold air over the Barents Sea. Photo: Gunnar Sætra / Gunnar Sætra It happens where warm air in Finnmark meets cold air from the Barents Sea. – When the warm air from land moves over the Barents Sea and the sea area outside Finnmark, it is cooled, he says. Water droplets form in the air, which creates sea fog. – When the wind also comes from the east, this sea air comes straight towards large parts of the Finnmark coast, especially in East Finnmark, says Ratajczak. It is also in Aust-Finnmark that there have been the most canceled departures in the last week. – When the warm air from land moves over the Barents Sea and the sea area outside Finnmark, it is cooled, says state meteorologist Marek Ratajczak. Photo: Inga Maret Solberg Åhrén / news Clear weather in sight for the next few days The meteorologist promises clearer weather in the coming days. – The wind will be slightly stronger from the south. It drives the fog out to sea. Thus, Ratajczak reckons that there will be more stable conditions for air traffic, and that the plane will go as planned in the next few days. Good forecast Vardø Airport is among the airports that have lost flight departures due to the fog from the Barents Sea. – The plane then moves on to the next airport. Most likely there will be ground transport back to Vardø, says mayor Tor Erik Labahå in Vardø. The nearest airport is in Vadsø, seven miles away. The airport there has not been as exposed to fog as the airport in Vardø. Therefore, Widerøe has transported passengers by bus between the two cities on the Varanger Peninsula. Vardø is postponed until the fog from the Barents Sea clears. Photo: Gunnar Sætra Labahå says people in Vardø naturally want good weather, but: – Throughout the ages, the people of Vardø have learned that you cannot control the weather. – Do you know if anyone has lost further flight connections due to the fog and canceled flights? – It is guaranteed that someone has done it, but it usually works out. The Vardøværings have always lived with weather and wind. Those who travel are patient. They are simply in travel mode, concludes Labahå. Published 21.07.2024, at 14.20
