Flies, mosquitoes and caterpillars will be more common in northern Norway due to wet spring – news Nordland

When it’s summer and their clothes are loose, they strike. Insects. The mosquito bites when you lose track. The cleat sits on the leg. And the fly buzzes around the islands. And this year they may be even more than before. At least in northern Norway. Wet spring and abrupt heat are the best recipe for insect baby boom. – As in a beehive And that’s what Kriss Bodøgaard from Bodø got to experience. On the way up Steigtind, one of the most popular hiking destinations in the area, it started to swarm around him. – It was like going into a hive. There were flies on all sides. – I have experienced it before, but never as bad as now, he says. FLIES: Kriss Bodøgaard was surrounded by flies at Steigtind in Nordland. There will be more of this summer. Photo: Private Fly is attracted to fragrant human excrement. With sun and heat they become more active and it may seem that there are even more of them. Blackbirds are very annoying. It is not without reason that he is called irritant in Latin: Svartfluge Photo: Markus Thonhaugen / news Svartfluge or sweat fly, is a small black fly between 5 and 7 millimeters long. It comes from the manure fly family, and can be sluggish because it is extremely close. The fly does not have a mouth she can stick with, but she can use her mouth to drink sweat and tears. They are impossible to chase away and can crawl into the ear, nose or other places where it is uncomfortable to have them. In domestic animals, flies can cause problems because they bother the animals so much that they stop grazing and lose weight. She can also spread udder inflammation in cows. In Latin, the fly is called Hydrotaea irritans. Fortunately for Bodøgaard, he had equipped himself with a hat. She took away for most of the flies. – Many sat on the hat. It sounds most like a dial tone. Christian Steel, a biologist in Sabima, explains that this is typical of insects in the Arctic. – One never knows when summer will come and how long he will be. It’s a matter of pushing around. It may be autumn before one knows the word of it, he says. SWERM: The family of manure flies has over 300 different species in Norway. In one swarm there may be several types involved. Photo: METTE LØKVOLL / PRIVATE The small flies depend on sun and heat to hatch. Many of them overwinter as pupae or lichens. Now it’s time to get in the air while the sun shines. – The fly always lays the same number of eggs, but favorable conditions in the larval development mean that more people survive, says the researcher. MORE ACTIVE: Warm air also makes the insect fly longer and is more active. Then we can also experience it as if there are even more of them. But what can you actually do when they irritate the most? – Mosquito hat is my best tip. Then you create a little value for yourself, and let go of the insect, says Steel. Wet spring gives many stings The sudden summer heat Nordlendingane can enjoy, so the insect also enjoys. But the summer heat came after a very wet spring. This may mean that we have to expect more from those who bite and bite. STICKS AND BITS: Frode Ødegaard, scientific advisor at NINA says that we can expect more from insects such as bites this summer. Photo: Bjørn Steinar Gundersen / news – Most insects that bite and bite, like wet weather. They have larvae in moist soil and water, and when the heat first comes, after it has been our humid climate for a long time, there can be a lot of them. That’s what Frode Ødegaard, scientific advisor at NINA, says. – As long as there is good moisture and a lot of water, there are good conditions for everyone to bite and sting. Good times for butterfly hunters But it’s not just the annoying insects that can become more of. – For those who are interested in butterflies, it looks very promising, says gardener Stig Lundmo. BUTTERFLIES: Gardener Stig Lundmo tells us that the wet spring in the north also means that there are more butterflies. Photo: Screenshot There are in fact a number of butterfly species on the road, which are not usually in the north as often. Some butterflies seem to be coming further north this year than before. Others come earlier. The butterfly Admiral is one of the butterflies that now comes further north. Photo: Nina Didriksen / news – Do insects come in periods jamt over the summer? – There are different species in the groups. The individual species hatch at about the same time, but there is an overlap with several species that come over a longer period. This also applies to flies, caterpillars and mosquitoes. But even though they are annoying, the biologist in Sabima thinks that we should also be grateful for flies and mosquitoes. In many places, insect death is a major problem, and it has major consequences for the ecosystem. – It is not difficult to understand that they are troublesome, but they are terribly important in nature. We who are visiting nature and have to accept those who live here. – We almost have to be happy that they are here, says Steel.
