Five hospitalized after Russian encounter – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The police have started an investigation, and are now in the process of interviewing the victims and witnesses. – So far the police are aware that there are five young people who have fallen ill. Blood tests have also been secured and until the results are available we cannot say anything about the cause, the police write in a press release. The five young people were at Fredriksten in connection with the Landstreffet in Halden. It is one of the largest Russian meetings that brings together Russians from all over Norway. – They have severe pain, combined with delusions and anxiety, says senior doctor Dag Jacobsen at Poison Information to news. After they had breathing problems, they were sent to Sykehuset Østfold in Kalnes, where they are still. It was VG who mentioned the matter first. General manager of Landstreff Fredriksten, Lasse Kjønigsen, says they were unaware of the admissions. – Apart from what we read in the newspaper, we know nothing about these young people ending up in hospital or using synthetic drugs. We are waiting for more information from the police, he says. Up to 8,000 festive young people were at the Russian meeting at Fredriksten fortress in Halden. PRIVATE There have been security guards at the event who have checked the up to 8,000 participants for drugs without finding anything, says Kjønigsen. Unusual symptoms The unusual combination of symptoms means that professionals do not quite know what they are looking for. – After all, we have long experience in handling drugs and party participants, both with alcohol and other things. But this was somewhat new, even for seasoned people who have worked with this for many years, says the superior. – The priority has been to treat complications and symptoms. It is done in an excellent way. Then we have to go after it more closely, says senior doctor at Poison Information Dag Jacobsen. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news The hospital has taken blood and urine samples from all five. They are now sent to the Department of Forensic Toxicology at Oslo University Hospital. All five must be conscious and have communicated with the health personnel, according to senior doctor Jacobsen at Poison Information. The land strike ends on Sunday, and is now rigged down. – We send happy and satisfied Russians home. But it is clear that this with drugs and alcohol is a general social problem, and it is terribly sad that it has turned out the way it has, says Kjønigsen. We send happy and satisfied Russians home, says general manager of Landstreff Fredriksten, Lasse Kjønigsen Photo: PRIVAT
