Fishing boat with 21 on board takes in water off Bjørnøya – Latest news – news

31 October 2023 at 21:22 Fishing boat with 21 on board takes in water off Bjørnøya A fishing boat takes in water off Bjørnøya in the border between the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. – Just before 19:30 a message was received that a trawler east of Bjørnøya is taking in water and needs help, says Frode Iversen in the Norwegian Central Rescue Service to news. There must be 21 people on board. The situation is unclear, but under control, reports the skipper, according to HRS. A rescue operation has been launched with several resources, including civilians, who are on their way to the casualty. The first are expected to arrive at 22:30, says Iversen. – Rescue helicopters have been sent from Tromsø and Longyearbyen. Arrival time half an hour before midnight to midnight, says Iversen. The coast guard vessel Barentshav is also on its way, but has about a ten-hour walk to the trawler, says Iversen to news.
