FIS president Johan Eliasch refused to answer Russia questions – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– As president, I will not go into foreign policy issues. I am only here as FIS president. That’s what Johan Eliasch says to Swedish SVT – during an exclusive interview news was also present at. Eliasch does not want to comment on what he thinks about Vladimir Putin, Russia and the regime in the country. The FIS president is rather clear that they will continue to follow the guidelines of the IOC regarding the Russia issue and their participation in FIS competitions. – We have decided to follow the IOC. The IOC is responsible for promoting peace through sport, and that is extremely important, he says and points out that it is a difficult question. STAR PACKED: Eliasch together with Marco Odermatt and Mikaela Shiffrin during the FIS Forum in Sölden the day before the season opener in alpine skiing. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB – The right way to go Great uncertainty was planted after the FIS’s own general secretary, Michel Vion, stated just over a month ago that the Russians could be back on the ski slopes as early as December. Russian athletes have been banned from FIS competitions since the invasion of Ukraine last winter. – In our year, the FIS argued that it was the safety of the active athletes, rather than the war in Ukraine, that caused Russians to be banned. Why did you choose that rhetoric? – Again, we followed the IOC. And it is the IOC’s line that we commit ourselves to and follow. Which most of the associations did, Eliasch replies – What do you personally think? – What is important here is what is best for the sport. I believe that following the IOC’s guidelines is the right way to go in this case. The Swede therefore believes, based on the International Olympic Committee’s position, that Russians and Belarusians may not participate in FIS competitions. – It is important that sport does not become a weapon for political purposes. This has meant that the IOC has asked all associations to show solidarity and stand together, and that is important in this situation. – Covering up behind President Eliasch, moreover, was re-elected with 100 percent support earlier this year. He is in Sölden in connection with the season opening in alpine skiing. news’s ​​commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt believes the FIS president is tactically cowardly in his answers. – He is careful to answer the question about his personal relationship with Putin. He hides behind being FIS president. REACTS: Jan Petter Saltvedt believes that FIS and Eliasch have taken a tactically cowardly line regarding FIS participation of Russians and Belarusians in competitions. Photo: ALEM ZEBIC / news Saltvedt believes the FIS has uncritically followed the IOC’s line, regardless of what they decide. – He certainly knows that Bach’s (Thomas, IOC president) interests are his own. It is tactical, but it can backfire on himself and FIS when he renounces any opportunity to express his own opinion on an important issue. On 22 October, the FIS board will make a decision regarding Russian and Belarusian participation in competitions next winter.
