First male health nursing students at HVL – news Vestland

– I knew that there are few male health nurses, but I was not aware that we are the first here. For the first time in the University of Western Norway’s history, male students have entered nursing. Ivar Bjørkelund is one of the three who will start in the autumn. – I think it is time, and it is a bit of a shame that there are few who have applied before, says Bjørkelund. Great competition Head of department for the Department of Health and Care Sciences, Georg Førland, is satisfied with what he sees. – It is very pleasing that there are male applicants who have entered. It is very desirable from our side, says Førland. Førland believes that it is important to have male health nurses at health centres. Photo: HVL He believes that historically there have been high numbers of applicants to the study program and that there are complex reasons why more men do not enter the study program. – One could be because the title used to be health nurse, which may have been seen as a bit exclusionary, says the head of department. In 2019, the title was changed to be gender neutral. – And then it is a course that is difficult to get into, with great competition for places. On a national basis, figures from Statistics Norway show that in 2021 there were 36 male public health nurses in the country, compared to 7,162 women. Of the men, 28 were in work, compared with 4,990 women. Not surprisingly, Daniel Kendrick is a trained health nurse, and is currently head of department for the school health service in Bydel Alna in Oslo. He agrees that changing the name may have had a positive effect in getting more men to apply for the course. At the same time, he believes that the status of the profession can influence who applies. – I think it is important to elevate the entire field, and to show that it is specialized nursing that we engage in as public health nurses, he says. Kendrick was himself the only male in his cohort at Oslo Metropolitan University. Since 2018, he has worked as a public health nurse. Photo: Private Kendrick says that when he was a nursing student himself, he was asked several times whether he should further his education as an intensive care nurse or manager. – I was surprised that so many people asked about it. Anesthesia and intensive care are perhaps seen as specializations with a higher status than healthcare. Exciting job – There are many men who could have done a good job as health nurses, if only they had thought about it, says Bjørkelund. He thinks that working with children and young people is exciting and important. Bjørkelund has two children who he believes may have influenced his desire to work with children and young people. This has meant that he thinks it is fun to follow the development of children. Photo: Privat Bjørkelund thinks it is good for the study environment to get men on the course. Kendrick agrees. – It is clear that the debate, and the way we handle the topic, becomes a little poorer when there is little diversity, Kendrick believes. Kendrick says that the study involves a lot of exchange of experience, which he believes is strengthened by different perspectives. With increasing demand for health workers in the labor market, head of department Førland believes that the university must do better at promoting more good role models in order to increase recruitment. – We must be more aggressive in the recruitment of male students within health and care services in general, says the head of department.
