Firefighter slightly injured in Oslo

16 December 2022 at 00:33 Firefighter slightly injured in Oslo – train traffic stopped after house fire – A firefighter was slightly injured in connection with extinguishing a house fire on Høybråten in Oslo overnight to Friday. The firefighter has been attended to by the ambulance at the scene, operations manager Gjermund Stokkli at the Oslo police district tells news. There is a strong fire in the detached house. – It will probably burn for quite some time to come, says Stokkli. There are two people registered at the home, and both have been accounted for. None of them are injured. Smoke divers have been inside the building. – Is there a risk that the fire could spread to nearby homes? – No, the fire service has control over it, says Stokkli. Stoppage in train traffic: – The detached house is located right next to a train line. The extinguishing work leads to a lot of smoke in the area, which has led to a halt in train traffic past the fire site, says Stokkli Bane Nor reports that this applies to train traffic between Grorud and Lillestrøm. Høybråtenveien between Starveien and Stovnerveien is also closed to traffic in connection with the fire. Residents in the area are encouraged to keep windows and doors closed due to all the smoke in the area. The police received a report about the fire at 11.10pm on Thursday evening.
