Fire on the Gina Krog platform – no one injured – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

21 June 2023 at 10:26 Fire on the Gina Krog platform – no one injured This morning at 07.21 the police received a report from the Central Rescue Center in Southern Norway (HRS) about a fire in a limited area on the Gina Krog platform in the North Sea. – No injured persons on board have been reported, says operations manager Dag Steinkopf. The fire has been extinguished, but smoke was reported in the area. Production from the platform has been shut down. The event is under control. – The police will investigate the incident to try to find out why the fire started. This will happen with assistance from the Petroleum Safety Authority and Equinor, says Steinkopf. As of now, there is no need to evacuate employees on the platform. A helicopter from HRS was on its way to the scene, but turned around in the air, when the crew on board got control of the incident themselves.
