Fire in two kindergartens at Klepp – One could not be saved – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Around four o’clock last night, a fire started in a kindergarten in Viervegen in Klepp municipality. The kindergarten was not there to save. – We moved out to the site together with the fire service and health. Then there was a full on fire in the kindergarten, and it has now, so to speak, burned down, says incident leader Sten Kristian Lund to news at the scene. Due to the risk of spreading, a total of nine people were evacuated from three houses. No one was injured in the fire. When Bjarne Jåtten looked out the window, the flames were raging. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news One of those who had to evacuate is Bjarne Jåtten, who woke up to loud bangs. When he looked out the window, the flames were in the air. – It is terrifying. If there had been more wind, our house could have burned too, there is no doubt about that, says the distraught neighbour. news has been in contact with both of the kindergartens involved. For now, the directors do not wish to comment on the situation. Have deployed crisis staff At the same time as they extinguished the fire in Viervegen, the emergency services were notified of a new fire in Lyngmarka kindergarten in Fjogstadvegen. The fire in this nursery was extinguished quickly. There was a shed next to the kindergarten that burned. The mayor of Klepp municipality, Sigmund Rolfsen, states that a crisis team was set up at six o’clock this morning. Sigmund Rolfsen, mayor of Klepp municipality Photo: Erik Waage / news – It is very sad when we experience this type of incident, and not least that there are children who lose their nursery place. The municipality is now working to see how to resolve the situation, but has not reached a conclusion on the work so far. – I think it will be difficult to have a nursery place ready for the children on Monday morning, says Rolfsen. Markå kindergarten was completely damaged after the fire on Saturday night. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog / news The police want tips from witnesses Tom Mikal Egeland is a neighbor of Lyngmarka kindergarten. During his visit to the toilet at night, he noticed the situation unfolding outside his living room window. – It looks okay now, compared to how it could have gone. There is a small building that has burned down, where the prams actually usually stand. Tom Mikal Egeland, the neighbor of Lyngmarka kindergarten Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / EMERGENCY CAR CAMERA He is glad that no one was injured in the fires in his immediate area. – It is absolutely terrible, we are talking about kindergartens. It’s a good thing it went as well as it did. Shortly before five o’clock, the police report that the flames and the danger of spreading have decreased in the first fire, and that the fire will probably not damage other houses. – The police are carrying out investigations at the scene of the fire, and we are seeking contact with relevant witnesses who possibly have information that can take us further in the investigation, says Sten Kristian Lund, incident leader in the police. Sten Kristian Lund, incident leader in the police Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news The fire brigade is still on the scene, and is carrying out extinguishing operations. – We have to have crews out there for a few more hours, but the building is completely damaged, says Frode Strøm, fire chief on duty at half past 9 on Saturday morning.
