Fire in apartment at Majorstua – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

July 21, 2022 at 05:41 Fire in apartment at Majorstua It has burned in an apartment at Majorstua, reports Oslo 110-central. At 05.50, the fire brigade moved out with seven cars, and about 20 people evacuated themselves. – We were notified that a fire alarm had been triggered in an apartment building in Uranienborgveien, and that there was a smell of smoke from the upper floors. We sent several cars and discovered a strong smell of smoke on the sixth floor. We entered an apartment where there was a lot of black smoke and was a fully developed fire, says duty commander Ola Klakegg to news. At 05.50 the police report that the fire service is in control and that there are no people in the apartment. No injuries were reported. According to the fire brigade, it probably burned in a stove and a charcoal filter. They are now working to get into the apartments next door to control the spread of smoke.
