Finnmark county council drops the rainbow on the school bag of the 6-year-olds – news Troms and Finnmark

The case in summary Finnmark county council has decided to remove the rainbow motif from the school bags that are distributed to first-graders in the county. This has led to reactions from both those who support and those who are against the decision. Anne Laila Persdatter Skum, who has previously expressed opposition to the rainbow motif, is happy with the decision and believes that it is a victory for Christian children. Sara Beate Eira, who has previously fought to keep the rainbow motif, is disappointed by the decision and believes that it is about diversity and equality, not politics. The proposal for neutral sacks was put forward by the Conservative Party, the Progress Party and the Industrial Party, and supported by Labor Party, Nordkalottfolket and Samelista, while only SV voted against. Odd Erling Mikalsen, main committee leader for transport in Finnmark county municipality, says that they do not want to push a political message on children, and that they therefore choose to remove it. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I am completely exhausted. In a world with so much cruelty, this is what they choose to prioritize and promote, says Sara Beate Nilsdatter Eira. The mother of four from Kautokeino has previously gone to great lengths to keep the bag with a multicolored triangle on the lid. Sara Beate Eira Persson is disappointed that the county council has chosen to remove the rainbow motif from the school bags of the six-year-olds. Photo: Åse Margrethe Paulsen Pulk / Sami Parliament Every year the county council distributes a school bag to all first graders in the county. In 2022, a multicolored triangle appeared on the lid of the bag. Some interpreted it as rainbow colors, while others saw the pride logo. The reactions were not long in coming. – A victory There were large protests in the Sami village of Kautokeino. Anne Laila Persdatter Skum was one of those who came out openly and said that she could not at all agree that the children should advertise for the pride ideology. – It is against everything we stand for and believe in. That the county councils manage to bring it to first-graders at all is completely unheard of, Skum told news in June 2022. Today, an overjoyed Skum welcomes the message that the county council has chosen to remove the rainbow symbol from school bags. – I am so happy and grateful. This was truly a victory. Now there are no Christian children who need to stand outside when the school bag is to be handed out, says Skum. Anne Laila Persdatter Skum is very happy that the county council is removing the rainbow symbol from school bags. Photo: Privat Altaposten discussed the decision at the county council first. Should the rainbow symbol be removed from school bags, or should it remain? Removed Get standing No opinion Show result Skum has sent a letter to the county council, in which she has argued that the school should not promote political messages. – I hope this is what they have seen, and which has made them choose to remove the symbol, she says. Should symbolize hope Sara Beate Nilsdatter Eira does not share the joy and believes this is not about politics, but about diversity and equality. – This is about thinking that your friend is as good as you. Regardless of starting point. I think the county council should be too smart to rip up this case again, she says. Tarjei Jensen Bech was county mayor in Troms and Finnmark when the rainbow motif was launched on school bags. He has previously told news that the symbol should stand for hope. He referred to the mantra “Everything will be fine again”, which, together with the rainbow, was used a lot during the corona pandemic. – The “Everything will be fine” campaign and the pride rainbow are two different things. The rainbow has seven colours, while the pride flag has six, says Anne Laila Persdatter Skum. – A nest of wasps The proposal for neutral bags was put forward this week by the Conservative Party, the Progress Party and the Industrial Party. Ap, Nordkalottfolket and Samelista also voted for, while only SV voted against. – Here it is simply adults who take political battles in a simple and nice bag, says Cato Kristiansen in SV. Cato Kristiansen is mayor of Loppa and sits on the transport committee at Finnmark County Council for SV. Photo: Loppa SV / Loppa SV He believes that regardless of whether you see the rainbow as just a rainbow, or as a symbol for pride values, it should be unproblematic. – We live in 2023. This is about diversity, being tolerant and accepting each other as you are. Something that is fundamental in school, says Kristiansen. – Have you given in to pressure here, do you think? – I guess it’s that they can’t bear to have that discussion. It’s a wasp’s nest to stick your hand into, says the SV politician. Don’t want conflict Odd Erling Mikalsen is head of the committee for transport in Finnmark county municipality. He says that they do not want to push a political message on children, and that they therefore choose to remove it. – It can create conflict and we don’t want that. We are concerned with road safety and that is why we distribute the yellow school bag, he says. – But is the rainbow flag a political message? – It will be up to everyone to interpret, says Mikalsen. Odd Erling Mikalsen is the main committee leader for transport in Finnmark County Municipality. He doesn’t want a fuss about the rainbow symbol and therefore wants to remove it. Photo: Kristina Kalinina / news Thinks homosexuality is a sin Anne Laila Persdatter Skum emphasizes that she is not against homosexuals, and that she condemns all harassment and bullying, no matter who it is aimed at. – All people are loved and desired by God, but as Bible-believing Christians we believe that homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, as believers, we will never be able to be included in the message pride stands for, says Skum. Sara Beate Eira thinks it’s just sad that the county council gives in to pressure from outside. – I think it says a lot about those who choose to promote and support this proposal. They throw fuel on a hatred that already lives well in itself, she says. And adds: – What will happen next. To remove the rainbow from the sky?
