Finnes’ lawyer wants an Ecocrime investigation – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Finne’s lawyer Thomas Skjelbred tells news that he wants the case to be investigated by Økokrim. – Trading shares is legal. The legal share trading has acquired a political side. Why did he lie to Erna? – He has bought shares with his own money, and has not been open about it with his spouse. When asked why the list of shares was not ready for the election, Skjelbred replied: – We have no comment on that list. It is something Høgre has drawn up on behalf of the party. After Høgre presented the timeline in the case on Tuesday, Sindre Finnes made a statement through her lawyer. He then denied that he was sitting on inside information when Erna Solberg was prime minister. When Solberg closed the country in 2020, Finne’s shares fell. In his statement on Tuesday, he denied that he was waiting for information when the government closed the country due to corona. Head teacher Erna Solberg together with her husband Sindre Finnes. Photo: Tuva Åserud / NTB Økokrim has previously said that they are considering investigating the case. Over 3,600 deals Four days after the election, Erna Solberg presents the over 3,600 share deals to her husband Sindre Finnes. Several criticized that it took too long. On Tuesday, the long-awaited timeline arrived. Some of what emerged was that there was no contact between Solberg and Finnes from Friday to Sunday before the election.
