Finland has been allowed free abortion up to week 12

The Finns have been given free abortion. After having the strictest rules for abortion, compared to Sweden, Norway and Denmark, new abortion legislation has come into force. This new law means that Finns now have free abortions up to week 12 of pregnancy. Fatim Diarra is the front person for the oldest women’s rights organization in Finland, Naisasialiitto Unioni. it was the organization that, back in the 20th century, fought for women’s right to vote. Fast forward to 2020, they were behind the Oma Tahto campaign. Loosely translated, the campaign’s name means “own will”, and it is precisely about women’s free will when it comes to having an abortion. – Our legislation was old-fashioned, even though we are a progressive country, says Fatim Diarra, so I think many of us were ashamed of our legislation. The previous abortion legislation was 50 years old. Before the new legislation came into force, a pregnant woman who wanted to have an abortion had to go to the doctor, justify her wish for an abortion and then get a signature from two different doctors. Humiliating to ask for permission Fatim Diarra says that in practice everyone who wanted an abortion was given the opportunity to do so. That’s why there wasn’t much debate about the legislation either before they started the campaign. – Anyone who wanted an abortion could get one. No one was forbidden to have an abortion. But that’s why everyone thinks it was stupid legislation, she says. But she believes that it is still important that the legislation has been changed. – Many women told us that it was humiliating. Deciding to have an abortion is not the same as ordering a cup of coffee; it’s a big decision. It is a woman’s right to be able to decide over her own body and do with it as she wants, says Fatim Diarra. From and including 1 September 2023, the Finns have had abortion legislation, which to a much greater degree resembles Denmark’s. Finns can now have an abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy without having to explain themselves or meet special requirements. Abortion is for women of all ages The Oma Tahto campaign began in 2020 and is a citizen-driven initiative. In just three weeks, 50,000 signatures were collected from people, who supported the idea of ​​changing the abortion rules in the country. – We did not only target the campaign to young women, but also to middle-aged women and older women. We believe that this is an issue for women of all ages, says Fatim Diarra. She believes that is why the initiative so quickly gained so much support. Moreover, the campaign took place at the same time that abortion became illegal in Poland and in the USA abortion rights were restricted in several states. – We started this campaign at the same time that abortion rights began to be restricted in the USA and in parts of Europe. So it was important for us to say that we are not going backwards, but we are going forward, says Fatim Diarra. Finland is a progressive country, which moves forward and not back.
