Fine counting and countless votes in Bergen can tilt the election – news Vestland

12 September 2023 at 13:45 Counting and uncounted votes in Bergen can tip the election Counting after the election in Bergen can change the election result, writes BT. According to BA, there are 2,000 advance votes that have not been counted. Only 31 votes are needed for the Liberal Party to take a mandate from the Conservative Party. BT reported this first. Should that happen, Arbeiderparitiet could have a potential majority together with Venstre, SV, Rødt, Sp, KrF and MDG, writes BT. For the 2,000 votes to change the result, the Liberal Party must do far better among these than they have done otherwise in the election. They must be greater than the Conservative Party, which with its 25.4% is far greater than the Liberal Party with 5.0%.
