Final proceedings in the court after the abduction case in Tolga – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Today, the procedures in the abduction case in Tolga in Østerdalen started from 2 January 2022. Prosecutor Vibeke Stolp Ekeland believes the motive was that the offended man had stolen drugs and money from some of the people involved. – This is a serious deprivation of liberty and also a serious drug offence, said Stolp Ekeland in the Østre Innlandet district court in Hamar. PROSECUTOR: Vibecke Stolp Ekeland believes drug debt was the motive behind the abduction at Tolga last year. Photo: Line Fosser Vogt / news She believes the offended man has suffered significant damage as a result of the abduction he was subjected to. His parents were also subjected to violence in their home. – This was a violent and violent attack in one’s own home, she said. The prosecutor believes that several people were present during the planning of the abduction, while there were two who carried out the act itself. A fourth person was brought in as a driver during the assignment. Different perceptions of the motive The men are accused of deprivation of liberty or complicity in this and one of them is also accused of drug offences. To varying degrees, they plead guilty or not guilty at all. In his proceedings on Tuesday, prosecutor Vibecke Stolp Ekeland said that one of the defendants had a central role in planning the abduction. She believes this man outsourced the actual mission to the others and also equipped them with weapons. He himself stayed in Oslo while it was all going on. The same man is also charged with drug trafficking. The prosecutor made a demand for confiscation of NOK 1.9 million from the man. Both the victim and the four defendants must have been involved with a drug environment in Eastern Norway, the prosecutor believes. In court, the victim explained that he felt great fear during the incident. The defenders have emphasized that their clients believe they should save the offended man, not harm him. On Wednesday, the defenders of the four defendants will carry out their proceedings. Ahead of the trial, the police released several images of weapons they believe are connected to the abduction. Photo: The police The police believe this is the revolver that was used during the abduction. The victim was shot in the buttocks. Two of the four defendants drove a rental car to Tolga to pick up the offended man. On their way down, they took side roads to avoid being stopped. A few miles north of Koppang, they pulled off the road and took a taxi further south. The two defendants who traveled to Tolga are said to have broken into the residential building where the victim was. They are said to have then committed violence against his parents. The incident is still in the body It was the night of 2 January 2022 that a 20-year-old man was attacked in his parents’ home in Vingelen in Tolga. The man was shot but not seriously injured during the attack. The intruders took the man down Østerdalen. He was missing for a day. The now 21-year-old man’s parents are also offended in the criminal case. The man’s mother explained in court that the incident remains in her body to this day. The father was also affected during his explanation. He said it was difficult to describe the experience. – I was afraid it was the last time we saw him, the father said from the witness stand. The police searched for a long time for the weapon, which was found later in the spring on a field close to highway 3 in Stor-Elvdal. According to the indictment, the aggrieved abduction victim was taken from her parents’ home in Tolga. The public prosecutor believes he was subjected to violence and threats in a car on the way to Oslo before he was released. The abduction victim’s father The man was sleeping when, according to the indictment, two men broke into his house on Tolga. According to the indictment, was subjected to violence and threats, and witnessed her son being abducted. The abduction victim’s mother The woman was sleeping when, according to the indictment, two men broke into her house on Tolga. According to the indictment, was subjected to violence and threats, and witnessed her son being abducted. According to the indictment, the accused SkytterenSkal broke into the house on Tolga together with the “driver”, used violence and threats against all three victims and abducted the 20-year-old man. The defendant is said to have driven the car the three drove from Tolga to Koppang, where they drove off the road. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims. He partially pleads guilty to several of the charges, but does not plead guilty to having a weapon with him or to having threatened the victims. The driver According to the indictment, the man must have broken into the house on Tolga together with the “shooter”, used violence and threats against the three victims, and abducted the 20-year-old. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims. Partially pleads guilty to some of the charges, pleads not guilty to possession of a weapon and violence against the parents. The mastermind The prosecution believes the man was the mastermind behind the abduction. According to the indictment, he was not at Tolga during the incident. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims and drug offences. The man partially pleads guilty to some of the charges, but not to threats. Driver 2 According to the indictment, must have driven the offended man and one of the other indictees from Hamar to Oslo. Indicted for deprivation of liberty
