Filmed patients for five years – news Trøndelag

The police discovered several hard drives at the home of the rape-accused municipal superintendent – with over 6,000 hours of recordings. This is revealed in a document from the Norwegian Health Authority. The hard drives must have been marked with the date and year. The first recordings are from 2016 and the last from 2021. The Norwegian Health Authority believes that this is the most serious thing the doctor has done: in its advance notice, the Norwegian Health Authority has referred to 16 complaints which it believes contain information about border-crossing behavior under treatment. These are the most serious conditions described, according to the Norwegian Health Authority: Clitoral massage/massage of glands in the abdomen/abdominal massage etc. Massage in the rectum/unnecessary rectal examination Gynecological examinations, often repeated, without indication Finger(s) in the vagina while the patient has to pinch/tighten, without medical indication Filming/photographing gynecological examinations/abdomen/naked body, or that he has asked the patient to take a picture of himself Feeling of breasts/examination of breasts (from behind) without indication. Patients have had to be without clothes underneath or completely naked during examinations for no reason, or have had to stand in various positions without clothes that are perceived as offensive The doctor has moved the patient’s body/arm towards your crotch/penis Offer of clitoral massage Hair removal in the abdomen Sedation (sedating drugs) of patients in connection with intimate examinations, 89 people so far have the status of offended in the case. Last week, the police expanded the charge to include rape in 34 of the cases. According to the document, most of the disks must contain gynecological examinations that the doctor has carried out on various patients. This is shown by the police review. They still haven’t reviewed all the footage they’ve found. – Haven’t done anything wrong In April, the National Health Inspectorate sent the former municipal chief medical officer in Frosta an advance warning that they are considering revoking his authorization as a doctor. The deadline for him to comment on the notice expired on Friday. According to the document, the doctor has explained himself in questioning with the police, but they believe there is no correspondence between the doctor’s explanation and how a gynecological examination should be carried out. In addition, the doctor’s explanation contradicts the content of the videos found at his home. The doctor’s lawyer, Karl Bjørnar Olsen, tells news that on Thursday they responded to the National Health Inspectorate. – He does not admit that he has done anything wrong. And he has stuck to that the whole time, says Olsen. Accusations of abuse back to the 90s It was in August last year that the police started an investigation into the municipal superintendent in Frosta. The doctor is accused of abusing his position to obtain sexual intercourse. He has pleaded not guilty. The abuse allegations stretch back to the end of the 90s. So a period of over 20 years. The doctor was fired from the municipality in January this year. – The majority show gynecological examinations The Norwegian Health Authority has suspended the doctor’s authorization until mid-July this year. The advance notice is therefore a further step in the supervisory matter. – The time for advance notice of revocation of authorization is related to the police’s investigation and disqualification of documents, says department director Anne Myhr in the Norwegian Health Inspectorate. – We have not been able to hand over the case documents until recently, due to the police’s investigation, she adds. Investigation leader Eivind Guldseth at Trøndelag police district confirms that the police have 6,000 hours of recordings from the accused doctor’s hard drives. – But there is a truth with modifications. We have a minimum of 6,000 hours of video and have gone through around 70 percent of these. Most of this is shown by gynecological examinations, says Guldseth. – There has been masturbation Guldseth does not want to go into detail about what the recordings show. – We do not wish to comment on whether there has been doping of patients. The only thing we have said, which we also went out with in connection with the charge, is that there has been masturbation. Investigation leader Guldseth says there is a wide range in the degree of seriousness in the recordings. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news The head of the investigation also confirms that the videos are dated between 2016 and 2021. – I cannot rule out that there are videos that are older than this, but we believe that what we have found is from 2016 to 2021. The police will not confirm the points that the Norwegian Health Authority highlights in the advance notice. Apart from the fact that they believe there has been a massage of the clitoris. – There is a wide range in severity in the investigative material we have found, says Guldseth. According to him, the incidents range from filmed gynecological examinations to what the police describe as rape. – Does that mean that you describe parts of the material as abuse material? – We can’t say anything about that, replies Guldseth. – Dissatisfied The doctor’s lawyer Karl Bjørnar Olsen tells news that his client was sent 2,000 pages of documents by the Norwegian Health Authority. – It was a bit unsorted and difficult to penetrate. We are a bit dissatisfied that we were not able to postpone the deadline for as long as we wanted. But in the response to the Norwegian Health Authority, we have no direct comments on the individual charges, says Olsen. The doctor’s authorization is currently suspended until July this year. Olsen states that if the Norwegian Health Authority does not revoke the doctor’s authorization permanently, the doctor can in principle resume his medical practice. – Will he do it? – We haven’t talked about that, says Olsen. Therefore, news does not identify the doctor news names Frosta municipality in order to be able to follow the municipality’s handling of this case, both over the years and now today. As enshrined in the Vær varsom poster, it is the duty of the press to uncover objectionable circumstances and protect individuals against abuse or neglect by public authorities. The former municipal superintendent has been charged with very serious and criminal offences. He has been a trusted doctor in the local community – who over several years was the GP for 1,700 of the municipality’s residents. At the same time, it is important to clarify that the doctor currently has the legal status of the accused, and not the defendant. He pleads not guilty. The press must show particular caution in cases at an early stage of the investigation. news therefore does not identify the doctor by name at the present time. We are also careful with information about patients who will be part of the case.
