Filled beer keg with Mentos – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The man behind Lindheim Ølkompani at Gvarv in Telemark had a working day with far more fuss than planned. On Monday last week, Eivin Eilertsen thought he wanted to add fruit Mentos to a keg of close to 200 liters of unfinished beer. – I guess there wasn’t much going through my head right then. It was a boring Monday and I didn’t think too much about it, laughs Eilertsen. It was VG who first mentioned the brewery stunt. – Didn’t think about the consequences He admits that he had an inkling of what might happen, but still took the chance. – I put a lot of fruit-flavored Mentos in a beer that had a lot of carbonation. It didn’t work so well. The YouTube videos that abound of people putting Mentos in cola have not gone by the brewer’s house at all. – I really hoped that what happened would happen, but I hadn’t thought about the consequences. This is an expensive beer that we have spent several years brewing. – It was fun for a while. Eilertsen first put a lot of fruit in the beer barrel. – We usually do that, but there was still a reaction that was a little stronger than normal. It started to rain and then I had some Mentos here that I thought I could grab. In an error, news forgot to ask Eivin Eilertsen what kind of relationship he has with the saying “empty barrels fall the most”. Photo: Gry Eirin Skjelbred / news It was fun for a little while, until it spilled out. – It gushed out, as you can see on YouTube. It flooded down the barrel, onto the floor and something ran down the drain. – What did you think then? – My first thought was, shit, I mustn’t say this to anyone, laughs Eilertsen. The wife shook her head. He quickly took a snap and sent it to his wife, who, according to Eilertsen, just shook her head. – We thought that this is so stupid that we can’t tell many people, but then we ended up posting it on Instagram. There has also been an outpouring of reactions. – The idea was not that it should be a PR stunt, but in a way it gradually became that as many people thought it was a cool film. There is still beer left at Lindheim Ølkompani. Photo: Gry Eirin Skjelbred / news Money right down the drain And despite some clean-up work, the brewery manager sums it all up as fun. – It was a fantastic Monday. Lots to talk about and lots to wash, he laughs. Eilertsen chooses not to think about how much money literally went down the drain. – There was probably somewhere between 100 and 200 liters of beer in that barrel. That works out to almost 300 expensive bottles per 100 litres, so it’s a lot, he admits. Published 03/09/2024, at 18.47 Updated 03.09.2024, at 18.57
