Fifa president Gianni Infantino not shown on the big screen – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– I assumed that you see the same thing in the stadium and on TV. One has an expectation that it is the same that is shown, says media scientist at the University of Oslo, Steffen Krüger, to news. He is surprised by news’s ​​findings, and says one can speculate whether it has been done so that the president of the International Football Association (Fifa), Gianni Infantino, will release his dissatisfaction. – It fits in well with the complete control Qatar and Fifa have inside and outside the stadium. They are in charge both on and off the pitch, says Krüger. Was booed during the England match If you’ve watched the football World Cup matches on TV, you’ve seen Infantino in the stands on a number of occasions. The Swiss has been in the stands in every game, even when two games have been played at the same time. But although TV viewers have often caught a glimpse of Infantino, the spectators inside the stadium have not necessarily seen him. When England beat Wales 3-0 last week, Infantino was filmed in the closing minutes. It was shown on the big screen inside the stadium, and several people in the stands responded by bowing. Watch the video here: In recent days, news has observed that Infantino has not been shown on the big screen inside the stadium, although he has been shown on TV. news’s ​​journalist in Qatar saw it himself during the match between Brazil and South Korea on Monday. In Tuesday’s match between Morocco and Spain, news filmed the big screen inside the Education City Stadium. There you could see that Infantino was not shown on the big screen, as he was for the TV audience. See video of how it looked on the TV broadcast versus the big screen: – Hiding what you don’t want to show news has sent several questions to Fifa, where we have asked why Infantino has not been shown on the big screen in recent days. We have also asked whether it is a consequence of the booing during Wales-England, and whether Infantino himself has asked that he not be shown on the big screen. FIFA has not yet responded to news’s ​​questions. Gry Rustad, TV researcher and media scientist at Høgskolen i Innlandet, believes it is a clear move. MEDIA KNOWLEDGE: Gry Rustad. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas – I think it is part of Fifa’s general alignment. It’s clear that a message needs to get out, and that you hide what you don’t want to show, she says. Erik Fagereng is an associate professor at Høgskolen i Inlandet, with extensive experience from sports production. He says that it is not unusual for different images to be broadcast in the arena and out to the TV viewers. It is then due to rights, but in the World Cup it is Fifa itself that has all the rights. He says there is nothing Fifa can “blame here”. – It probably has something to do with the whole situation. I have a bad feeling about the whole World Cup, and this underpins it, says Fagereng. WORRYING: Erik Fagereng believes Fifa is carrying out pure censorship by not showing Infantino in the stadium. Photo: Trude Lindland / Høgskolen i Innlandet – Can you call it propaganda? – It is pure censorship. Infantino is the chief editor of his own product, replies Fagereng, who points out that it is cause for concern. – I think that Fifa wants to show a strong leader who is present. Which is popular. In the context of this soccer World Cup, this looks more like a despot’s thinking, says the associate professor with over 20 years of experience in sports production. Attacked Western double standards Infantino took over as Fifa president in 2016. He is also the only presidential candidate standing at the Fifa congress in March next year, where he has the support of 207 out of 211 member states. The Fifa president has nevertheless been controversial, partly because of the 59-minute long monologue he had at a press conference ahead of the World Cup. There he attacked Western media and Western double standards. – I think that based on what we Europeans have done in the last 3,000 years, we should apologize for the next 3,000 years before we give any moral sermons, he said. – This one-sided moral sermon, it’s just hypocritical, said Infantino. Football president Lise Klaveness comes out hard against the FIFA president who today praised Qatar, and criticized “western double standards”. During his hour-long monologue to the press, Gianni Infantino made many startling statements. The Norwegian Football Association is among those who do not support Infantino. Football president Lise Klaveness has told news that she believes Infantino started his time as Fifa president well, but that good reforms have since been abandoned. – The last few weeks have been an abused opportunity to show that Fifa and Infantino build their leadership on universal human rights, and rather reduced all justified criticism around this championship to a banal Western double standard, Klaveness said earlier in the World Cup.
