– Few people had predicted this – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– There are few who would have predicted that she would be one minute behind Kerttu Niskanen at 10 km on this course in Italy, says news’s ​​cross-country expert, Fredrik Aukland, about Sweden’s Ebba Andersson. For the Swede, who was one of the favorites in this year’s Tour de Ski, has been far behind the best in the first two days. – It’s starting to look dark, said Aukland about the Swede’s overall chances. It is true that she has been ill for a period, but there is a completely different explanation that she herself uses for the downturn. Struggling with period pains Where Norway and Sweden have dominated women’s cross-country skiing for several years, they were far behind on Sunday. The best Norwegian was Heidi Weng, who finished sixth, while the best Swede was all the way down in ninth place. APPROVED: Heidi Weng was approved by the experts. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Both news’s ​​expert, Fredrik Aukland, and commentator Torgeir Bjørn approved Heidi Weng. They were more surprised by the Swedes, and especially Ebba Andersson who finished in number 13. – There are few who would have thought she would be one minute behind in ten kilometers on this course. It is surprising, said Aukland. Yesterday, Andersson was knocked out in the prologue. She then left the stadium without speaking to a single journalist. On Sunday morning, she opened up about the reason: – Do you want the honest answer? No, it was that I had such terrible period pains that I just wanted to leave. I had a pretty rough morning. When things didn’t go as I wanted, I didn’t have much patience left, Andersson told Sveriges Radio. – Disturbingly large distance On Friday’s first stage of the Tour de Ski, a skating sprint, only Kristine Stavå’s Skistad reached the final of the Norwegians. Only one of the elite national team runners, Mathilde Myhrvold, made it to the semi-finals and in total only four out of nine Norwegians advanced to the knock-out rounds. Already from the start of the 10-kilometer run, it became clear that it was not going to be full throttle today either. – I think there is a disturbingly large distance. None of the big favorites have passed this point yet. How big a distance will it eventually be, Aukland asked when Lotta Udnes Weng passed 2.1 kilometres. And although both Astrid Øyre Slind and Heidi Weng took the lead at that point, it did not take long before the foreign competitors passed far ahead of the Norwegians. – Now they are setting a completely new standard here. We are talking about the opening point of 2.1 kilometers and there are over ten seconds down to the Norwegians, said Aukland. Weng finished over 40 seconds behind Kerttu Niskanen who won. Second best Norwegian was Astrid Øyre Slind, 45 seconds behind.
