Ferry is on fire in Trøndelag – toxic gases on site – Latest news – news

16 November 2023 at 04:43 Ferry is on fire in Trøndelag – toxic gases on site A ferry that is in a maintenance hall on Ottersøya in Nærøysund municipality is on fire. There is no risk of spreading. The ferry, which is 60 meters long, is in a hall for maintenance on Ottersøya, writes the police in Trøndelag on X. – There is a real fire in that boat, says operations manager in Trøndelag police district Kamilla Engen to NTB. The emergency services responded to reports of a fire at 3.37am. An hour later, the fire crews state that there is no danger of spreading, but that toxic gases are released as a result of the fire. – Continuous assessment of the risk of spread based on wind direction. Extinguishing will take place for a long time to come, writes Trøndelag police district. Engen says that they will try to get the ship out of the hall and into the sea. – Boats with fire extinguishers are supposed to try to put out the fire. The shutdown will take place for a long time to come, says Engen to NTB. No injuries have been reported in connection with the fire.
