Ferry catches fire in Nærøysund – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– There is a real fire in that boat, says operations manager in Trøndelag police district Kamilla Engen to NTB. We are talking about a 60 meter ferry which is in a hall for maintenance on Ottersøya. Maintenance work, including welding, was taking place in the boat when it started to burn, but whether this has any connection with the fire is not known. The emergency services rushed to the scene at 3.37am on Thursday. According to the operations manager, there is a fire inside the ferry, including in the cabins. At 4.30 the fire crews stated that there is no danger of spreading, but that toxic gases are being released as a result of the fire. – Continuous assessment of the risk of spread based on wind direction, writes Trøndelag police district on X. Engen says that they will try to get the ship out of the hall and into the sea. – Boats with fire extinguishers are supposed to try to put out the fire. The shutdown will take place for a long time to come, says Engen to NTB. No injuries have been reported in connection with the fire. (news/NTB)
