Felt discriminated against – asked for leave from the county council – news Troms and Finnmark

– It is a bit sad that politicians choose to do it this way. Then I feel that I am speaking to deaf ears. I feel that they do not pay attention to what I say, says Klemet Klemetsen (Sp) after the county council meeting in Tromsø. It was at the start of Thursday’s meeting in the county council in Troms and Finnmark county council that Klemetsen went up to the podium and asked for leave from the rest of the meeting. The reason was that he felt discriminated against by other representatives who did not make use of the interpreting services when presentations were made in Sami. The Sami SP politician has become fed up with the FRP’s county council group not making use of the interpreting service when there are posts in Sami. – It is to feel that you can say what you mean. Using a different language might sometimes come across as a bit incorrect, and I can’t say what I mean, says the SP politician about the reason why he spoke in Sami during the processing of the case about the Sami house in Tromsø. SORRY: John Karlsen heads the FRP’s county council group. He apologized for the incident on Thursday. Photo: Inghild Eriksen / news The incident was regretted After Klemetsen had asked for leave, a meeting was immediately called in with the group leaders of the various parties. This included the Progress Party’s group leader John Karlsen, who after the meeting took to the podium and apologized that parts of the party group did not make use of the interpreting service. Karlsen was also one of those who did not use this opportunity, and was clear that he understood Klemetsen’s reaction. – I understand him, because his original and best language is Sami. Then we have to respect that and of course put on the headset when he speaks from the podium. It shows that we have respect for our colleagues. Of course we have to have that, because we have respect for Klemet Klemetsen, the language and the culture. After the apology from FrP’s group leader, and the call from the county mayor to continue, Klemetsen has decided to continue in office as a county politician. Several people reacted When asked if the episode on Wednesday has been a regular occurrence, the Frp politician admits that it has been, but he cannot say how many times it has happened. – There has been sloppiness in that particular area, yes I admit that. It will not happen again, says John Karlsen. The Labor Party’s Mari Siljebråthen says that it was a strong speech that Klemet Klemetsen gave in his mother tongue. Siljebråthen believes that it was appropriate that an apology came from the Frps county council leader on Thursday. – It created strong reactions. It was appropriate that there was an apology from the Frps county council leader, says the Ap politician, who adds that the episode was something that affected the county council. IMPORTANT: County mayor Tarjei Jensen Bech (Ap) is aware that it is important to make arrangements for county council representatives to speak in Sami during their meetings. Photo: Allan Klo / news – Respect County mayor Tarjei Jensen Bech (Ap) tells VG that he expects the Sami language to be respected at the county council. – It is important out of respect for the speaker, and everyone who is Sami, to use the interpreting equipment to listen to what the speaker says. The FRP’s group leader has apologized and I am very happy about that, says the county mayor. – Facilitating the Sami language in the county council is important to preserve our cultural heritage, and the fact that representatives who have Sami as their heart language can debate and express their opinions in Sami and make themselves understood is important to us, he adds about why interpretation is a prerequisite for everyone to be able to speak their mother tongue on the podium
