– Feels like a person without rights – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The mother of three is sitting in the hotel room in the holiday paradise Alanya in Turkey. Eilèn Kristin Bodin (42) and the children have been here for the last 12 days. – I am in the nicest place in the world, in a beautiful hotel that takes very good care of us, she says to news on Tuesday night. But it does not help that it is idyllic, when her SAS flight home from Alanya to Oslo on Monday night was canceled as a result of the pilot strike. And every extra day at the hotel costs. A few hours after news first spoke to Bodin, she has secured a plane ticket with a stopover in Vienna, Austria. The price was almost 12,000 kroner, about double the one she originally paid. – I just have to cross my fingers that SAS is decent and pays for it, says Bodin. It does not help that the view from the hotel is nice when Eilèn Kristin Bodin would rather be back in Norway. Photo: Privat Reisebyrået did not know about the cancellation When the strike in the airline SAS became a fact on Monday, Bodin received information that her flight had been canceled via SMS and e-mail. She was supposed to be on the plane at 9:05 p.m., Monday. She then contacted the agency she booked the trip through for further dialogue about canceling and getting the ticket refunded, which SAS encourages its customers to do. But the travel agency’s overview showed that the flight to Bodin and the children from Alanya to Oslo went as normal. Bodin also failed to make direct contact with SAS, either by telephone or via their chat service. – The agency said that it was with them that the plane was still ready to take off. They said they did not have cancellations, since they have not received updates from SAS, Bodin claims. news has seen the correspondence between the travel agency and Bodin on Monday morning. There, the agency writes that “based on what I can see in the system, there is no update from the airline regarding the cancellation of the aircraft.” Bodin feels she is falling between two chairs, with a travel agency that has no information and an airline that does not respond to inquiries. – Bravofly informs that the cancellation does not exist, even though I know that the plane did not take off yesterday. I feel like a person without rights. SAS: – Enormous consequences Press manager Tonje Sund at SAS understands that customers find the situation frustrating. – It is a situation that has enormous consequences for customers, so it is not difficult to understand that it creates frustration, she says to news on Tuesday night. Press manager Tonje Sund at SAS understands that customers find the situation frustrating. Photo: Vilde Helljesen She emphasizes that she does not know about the case, and can therefore not advance any conclusion, but says that the best thing to do is to contact the customer center and wait for a response. – You should basically contact the travel agency, but in this situation you can also contact us directly. But due to the pilot strike, there has been an extraordinary wait. – There is hardly a customer center in the world that is dimensioned for the violent influx, there is talk of over 30,000 passengers daily. There are enormous consequences for travelers, says Bodin. Fearing big extra costs Getting home will be expensive for Bodin. She does not know if she will get a refund for the new plane ticket. In addition, it is urgent. – I have a son with autism who has to be supervised all the time, and he has to go home. I do not have the opportunity to take good care of him here, as at home in Oslo, says Bodin. SAS’s guidelines state that if you have to book a new trip to get home as a result of a canceled flight, this must be in the same price range as the original one. According to Bodin, this is not possible in her case. – The original ticket for the children and me cost around 6000 kroner. Now the ticket prices are much more expensive. The new ticket cost around 12,000 kroner. – I do not feel I am in the financial situation where I can pay for a hotel room that costs me so much a day. It’s a solitaire card that needs to go up.
