Feeling cheated – now the municipality wants to sue the state

“The state considers the municipality a fool, and does not keep its promises”. That was said by Dag Henhaug (H) in the chairmanship on Tuesday. Now the deputy mayor of Ringerike municipality wants to sue the state for breach of promise regarding the Ringeriksbanen and new E16. With the exception of two representatives (MDG), he says there is cross-party agreement on this in the municipal council. – For a whole year or so, we have argued for our project. Especially towards the Ministry of Transport and Communications with ministers and state secretaries. We have experienced that it has been practically impossible to come up with rational arguments, says Henhaug. The municipality has spent billions of kroner to facilitate the population growth they believe the state asked them to facilitate. Photo: Tina Brock / news The background for the move, explains Henhaug, was that the elected representatives discussed the large tax and fee increases for the residents of the municipality for next year. – Since 2015, we have facilitated the establishment of what is now called the Ringerik portfolio. We have expanded the capacity of our infrastructure to accommodate the growth that the Ringeriksbanen and new E16 would bring. Then we have taken a risk on behalf of the citizens, of course, explains the deputy mayor. The municipality has spent billions of kroner. He says that when the track and road appear to be scrapped, as the proposal for the national budget indicates, then there will be fewer people to share the bills with. Dag Henhaug (H) is deputy mayor in Ringerike municipality. Photo: Ringerike municipality – And then there will be disproportionately large increases in these fees and charges. – What have you specifically invested in in recent years? – Expansion of treatment plants and water supply plants, schools and kindergartens, among other things. This amounts to close to NOK 3 billion. – Aren’t these investments you would have had to make anyway? – Yes, some of the investments had to be made. But it is not a given that it would have been necessary to do it at the pace that we have done, replies Henhaug. He further points out that in 2015 the municipality received a letter of assignment from the then government stating that if the Ringeriksbanen and new E16 were to be built, the municipality had to make the necessary investments to facilitate population growth. Believes the municipality has kept its part of the agreement Henhaug says that the municipality now feels deceived by the state. – It’s not a good feeling. Now Henhaug believes that Ringerike municipality has kept its part of the agreement with billion-dollar investments, and that the state is not keeping its promises. Therefore, a lawsuit is proposed. – Now it has only depended on political will. Then it is very frustrating to experience a transport minister who does not take this to heart at all, notes Henhaug. – Not decided yet – It is understandable that the ring district mayors are concerned, begins transport minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap). He says that the limited financial room for action has meant that the Government has had to make difficult and responsible decisions about postponing important transport projects. – There are many people around the country who are disappointed. Since the budget has not yet been processed in the Storting, this has not yet been formally decided. Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) says that starting planning is not a promise or an agreement. Photo: Pål Hansen The Ringerik portfolio was a joint project between the Norwegian Road Administration and Bane Nor. Nye Veier AS took over the project in 2021. The state regulatory plan was adopted by the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization on 27 March 2020. 40 kilometers of double-track railway between Sandvika and Hønefoss The trains will run at 250 km/h Approx. 23 kilometer railway tunnel from Sandvika (by Jong) to Sundvollen and approx. 3 kilometer tunnel northwest of Sundvollen Establishment of a new railway station at Sundvollen 24 kilometer four-lane Europaveg between Skaret west of Sollihøgda and Hønefoss. The road will have a speed limit of 110 km/h (changed to 100 km/h) Several long bridges Opening was planned for 2028/2029. Now it is uncertain. A final investment decision has not yet been made. Source: BaneNor and news. – Not a promise or an agreement – Henhaug says that in 2015 the municipality received a letter of assignment from the then government stating that if the Ringeriksbanen and new E16 were to be built, the municipality had to make the necessary investments to facilitate population growth. – The letter from 2015 is a task letter in which the Ministry of Transport asks the Norwegian Railways and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to start formal planning of the joint project in accordance with the Planning and Building Act, the Minister of Transport replies and continues: – In line with what is reasonable to expect when the state considers investing in large projects, the ministry also emphasizes the importance of local authorities building up under the planned investments through relevant instruments. This ensures that the benefit of the project is as good as possible. He says that “even if starting planning for a project naturally gives rise to political expectations that the project will be realised, the start of planning cannot be perceived as a promise or an agreement before the government and Storting have made a decision on investment and cost framework for the project” . – It is therefore unreasonable to claim that the state has entered into an agreement with the municipalities which they are not following up on when the Government now proposes to stop the Joint Project, concludes Nygård.
