Feeling ashamed and sad about losing his Russia – news Trøndelag

Russians in Trondheim ask people to support their action against the war in Ukraine. – For us Russians living abroad, it is extremely important to keep alive the anti-war movement in Russia. We have to stand together to say no to the war. So says Elena Refsnes, one of the initiators of the action at Torvet in Trondheim on Saturday afternoon. – We all feel shame and sadness. After all, we have been deprived of Russia as we know it. The three Russian women Anastasiia Tkalich, Marina Kovrigina and Elena Refsnes have taken the initiative for the commemoration in Trondheim against the war in Ukraine. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Brave women Three brave Russian women have been planning the commemoration against the war in Ukraine for several weeks. They no longer allow Putin to prevent them from expressing their despair over the war of aggression against their neighbours. – We kill our family, we kill our brothers and sisters. We are committing a very big crime. That’s what Marina Kovrigina says, while the tears roll. She thinks of the many killed, their families and all the homes that have been left in ruins. There will also be similar campaigns in Stavanger and Oslo. They hope many will give up on the slogans. – It is also important for Ukrainians that we show support, that we dare to speak out. We do not want to see the genocide in Ukraine, says Refsnes. Many posters have been prepared, and the organizers hope that many people will join the demonstration and support the anti-war movement. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Fear of reprisals While the bombs have been raining down on Ukrainian cities for over eight months, shame and fear mean that many have refused to come forward with their resistance. They are afraid this could affect the family in their home country. They are also afraid of reprisals should they wish to return to Russia. – I was very scared at the start, and spoke in the press under a false name. Now I can’t be anonymous anymore. It is such a serious and existential conflict that we must all stand against it. That’s what Anastasiia Tkalich says. She hopes to get many people with her, and to show that Russians in Norway are not indifferent to what is happening in Ukraine. They are in contact with other Russians abroad, who also make similar markings in several cities in Europe. The Russian bombing has caused enormous destruction in Ukraine, and thousands have lost their homes. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news The people are the hope They hope many will join the demonstration train, but are excited to see how many dare. – Several have lost contact with family and relatives in their home country, because they have different views on the war. This hurts a lot, says Refsnes. – Do you see any kind of optimism in the situation? – The only hope is the people. I have lost faith that the government of Russia can do anything about it, or anyone in power. The only hope for me is the people. We are the ones who can do something.
