Fears that bombs, gold and monster masts will push them away – news Sápmi

– We are under pressure from all sides, says the 60-year-old while two small boys play by the water. He is at his summer country in Porsanger. The place is a good distance up the mountain, a mile east of Lakselv. In a few weeks, the reindeer will be gathered here for marking and slaughter. The children’s play makes Anti smile and laugh, but he admits that his thoughts often turn gloomy. – Now an Australian company is going in with a drilling rig, and we are working to explain how important this area is to us and why they cannot enter. The climate changes with deiced pastures every other winter make this particular place even more important to us, he says. Per John Anti is manager of the Spiertagáisá reindeer herding district. The summer pastures are also located in the Hálkavárri firing range where, among other things, allied aircraft practice bombing. – The activity here has increased, and it has become much more difficult for us to have our animals there. In connection with exercises, the area will also be closed to us, he says. IMPACT FIELD: Allied aircraft have exercises in Hálkavárri firing range. The entire shooting range is 200 square kilometers. This is a recording from an exercise a few years ago. A new 420 kV power line with gigantic masts under the auspices of Statnett is planned through the district’s calving area. On the eastern border of the reindeer grazing district, Grenselandet AS is planning a large wind power plant with 100 to 270 turbines. – You can simply say that we are being pushed away from our areas with bombs, gold, platinum, monster masts and the wind industry. I fear that many of us – and future generations – will not be able to continue with the industry and life here. There won’t be room for all of us if everything is built, says Per John Anti. PORSANGER: Just south of Lakselv, Kingsrose Mining (red line) wants to investigate the mineral deposits. The new 420 kV line is also planned here. The Norwegian Armed Forces’ firing range (black line) is also located in the same area. Must contribute to the green shift Anti has had several meetings with the Australian mining company Kingsrose Mining. In Norway, Elisabeth Gammelsæter from Sweco is the company’s advisor. She has a great understanding of reindeer husbandry’s interests in the area. She expresses that Kingsrose Mining will contribute to the green shift. – The company wants to implement and develop the project in dialogue with Sami interests. That is why they have also started talks with the affected reindeer herding district, she says to news. Kingsrose Mining has also had a dialogue with the Sami Parliament from the very beginning. DIALOG: Elisabeth Gammelsæter in Sweco is a consultant for Kingsrose Mining in Norway. Photo: Hallgeir Aunan / news The company has rights to examine gold, copper, cobalt, nickel, platinum and silver. From August to October, Kingsrose Mining wants to drill 15 holes in a restricted area just south of Lakselv. The Directorate for Mineral Management has sent the application for consultation. The Sámi Parliament opposes drilling and says no to the application being granted. – The mining industry will not benefit Sami society in the long term. It is important to be clear already now, but we must follow the planning process in this case, says Sámi parliament councilor Maja Kristine Jåma (NSR). She says the area is important for reindeer herding, and that exploration here will be problematic. SAYS NO: Sami Parliament Councilor Maja Kristine Jåma. Photo: NSR – Any delay is a problem The Reinbeite district must issue its statement by 15 August. – We will explain thoroughly why we say no, says Per John Anti. As the Sámi Parliament opposes the application for drilling, the matter must be sent to the Ministry of Trade and Industry. This may cause delays for Kingsrose Mining. – The reason why you want to carry out the next phase quite quickly is that there are short seasons here in the north. It is heading towards autumn and darkness and autumn storms. The reindeer herding district will also use the area later this autumn, says Elisabeth Gammelsæter. She says that any delay is a problem for the company. – It is a permit that you have for a limited period, and you want to get the most out of it. If you have to wait until next year, then you incur salary and operating costs without getting clarification, says adviser Elisabeth Gammelsæter. Kingsrose Mining stated earlier this year that 500 new jobs could be created in Porsanger if they start mining. Reindeer herding Sami throughout Norway experience that other industries want to establish themselves in areas where reindeer live. Here are some of the stories news has told about in the past:
