Fears Orbán is trying to sabotage support for Ukraine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

A real nervousness has begun to spread in Brussels. The reason is Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s strongman and Putin’s closest ally in Europe. The EU summit this week could prove fatal for Ukraine. EU membership and financial support are on the agenda. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán threatens to veto. – The EU’s credibility is at stake The moment of truth is approaching for Europe’s support for Ukraine. Experts point out that what Orbán is doing now is very serious, not only for Ukraine, but also for Europe. – The EU’s credibility is at stake, says head of research Fredrik Löjdquist at Stockholm’s Center for East European Studies to Sveriges Radio. – But what is even more serious is that what is at stake is our ability to ensure that Ukraine succeeds. If we don’t, Putin will succeed. Then the whole of Europe’s future is at stake, says Löjdquist. On Sunday, Orbán and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj spoke for barely half a minute in Buenos Aires during the inauguration of Argentina’s new right-wing populist president Javier Milei. – It was a decent conversation where we talked about European affairs, said the president in his video speech published on Telegram on Monday morning. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Buenos Aires this week. The picture was taken on 10 December 2023. Photo: ALEJANDRO PAGNI / AFP Unshakable Green light for negotiations on EU membership and a big bag of money. These are the promises the EU has signaled to Ukraine, writes NTB. At the year’s last EU summit on Thursday and Friday, this was to be hammered out. Because the decisions require unanimity. Now it is 26 to 1 because of Viktor Orbán. Again, it is the EU’s “enfant terrible” that provides the tension. No, no, no, says Viktor Orbán when it comes to membership negotiations with Ukraine. Facts about Viktor Orbán * Hungarian politician (60). Prime Minister from 1998 to 2002 and since 2010. * Graduated in law at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. * Born 31 May 1963. Married, five children. * Started his political career as a student leader in the anti-communist demonstrations in 1989. * Leader and founder of the conservative party Fidesz since 1988. * In the 2010 elections, Fidesz received a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly, which they held until 2015, this gave the party power to pass another controversial new constitution in 2012, which opponents believe undermines democracy. * Orban’s government has often been in conflict with the EU, of which Hungary has been a part since 2004. Among other things, Hungary refuses to accept the quota of refugees the EU has allocated to them. * After the 2018 election, which Fidesz won overwhelmingly, tens of thousands protested against Orban, demanding a free press and changes to the electoral law. The backdrop was that critics of the government believed that the press had been made a mouthpiece for the government. They also believed that the votes should be counted again. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba says it will be devastating for Kyiv and the EU if the country does not get the green light. – I cannot imagine the devastating consequences that will occur if the EU Council fails to take this decision, not only with regard to Ukraine, but in a broader sense on the issue of enlargement as a whole, says the foreign minister. Ukraine is highly dependent on Western economic aid in order to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba spoke to the media in Brussels on Monday about the importance of financial aid to war-torn Ukraine. Photo: Virginia Mayo / AP An open EU door was supposed to be a juicy carrot for Ukraine – and at the same time a whiplash for Russia. Although it is high up and probably very far from actual membership, it could give the Ukrainians hope through a new, hopeless winter of war. But Ukraine “is not ready”, Orbán, who is considered Russia’s best friend in the EU, has asserted again and again. Despite heavy pressure from, among others, EU President Charles Michel and French President Emmanuel Macron, he has remained steadfast. Among other things, Orbán has gotten the national assembly in Hungary, where his party Fidesz has an absolute majority, to adopt a resolution that refuses him to say yes to Ukraine negotiations. Stoltenberg pleads with the US and the EU NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg pleads with the US and the EU for continued financial support to Ukraine. – If the US and the EU do not get approval for new billions for Ukraine, it will be fatal and a great victory for Russia, warns NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg to Dagens Næringsliv. Stoltenberg is still confident that support will come from the US, but says that it is not good that this takes time and creates uncertainty. – The paradox is that there is a large majority in Congress to support Ukraine, but it has now become intertwined with a domestic political issue, says Stoltenberg to Dagens Næringsliv. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg pleads with the US and the EU for continued financial support for Ukraine. Photo: Geert Vanden Wijngaert / AP The US Senate on Wednesday blocked President Joe Biden’s $60 billion aid package to Ukraine, despite the White House’s warning that it could lead to a victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Towards the end of this week, the EU will vote on a budget with 600 billion in loans and support to Ukraine, but Hungary will say no. The NATO chief will not rule out that Putin may go on the offensive again if support from the West dries up. – It will be a tragedy for Ukraine and dangerous for us. That is why I am doing everything I can to ensure continued support, he tells the newspaper. The Guardian: Orbán tries to stop US aid to Ukraine Supporters of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán are to hold a closed meeting with Republicans this week in the hope of ending US arms support to Ukraine. The British newspaper The Guardian is informed by several sources in Washington. A source at the Hungarian embassy says the aim is to get them to stop aid to Ukraine. – Orbán is certain that the Ukraine aid will not be approved by Congress. At the same time, he is trying to block aid from the EU, says the source to the newspaper.
