Fears more people may die from impure heroin in circulation – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– I have spoken to several people who work in the low-threshold apparatus who are particularly concerned about a strong batch of heroin. It should be dark in the syringe pump and look oily. This is what Arild Knutsen, the head of the Association for humane drug policy, says to news. The leader of the association for humane drug policy, Arild Knutsen, is also concerned about the unknown batch of heroin that is in circulation right now. Photo: Privat In the last couple of days, there have been several cases of drug-related cardiac arrest in patients who use heroin. This is what Oslo University Hospital tells news. Three people have been admitted to the emergency medical department. According to chief physician at Oslo University Hospital, Aleksander Rygh Holten, there have been deaths among these, but cannot comment on how many. It is unusual for the hospital to admit so many people who are critically ill due to heroin use. Warns heroin users The Superintendent is now warning heroin users that impure heroin or an extra strong substance is in circulation. The samples have not been analyzed so far, so the hospital does not know which substances may be involved. The hospital asks those who are in the drug environment, and especially those who use heroin, to be extra careful. – What can you say to people who use heroin right now? – I think they should be extra careful in the near term. Use small doses and don’t be alone and look after each other, Aleksander Rygh Holten tells news. Happening elsewhere in the country The Association for humane drug policy says there are also cases of what is probably the same, unknown substance in Tønsberg. Several are said to have had problems, according to Arild Knutsen. – There are big variations on the market now, so people have to be extra careful now. – What do you think is the reason for this? – It is an unregulated, free market where you never know what will happen tomorrow. That is why it is important that people are warned, Knutsen replies. – Are you worried? – I am very worried, suddenly tens of people can die from a dangerous batch of heroin, he says.
